Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Knowledge is Power

  • Views Views: 2,698
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   All Stars
   Art Livery
   Cold Winter
   Dolce Vita
   Easter Eggs
   Fan Zone
   Green Belt
   Ice Blow
   Ice Shackles
   It's a Goal
   Let It Snow
   Mug Set
   Organic Menu
   Pure Chance
   Road of Fame
   Wild Race
   With Honors
  • Knowledge is Power
    Collection Requirements
    Event Name: Back to School
    Items Required: Educational Telecscope
    Magnetic Board
    Laser Pointer
    How to Obtain: Reward from event Mini Game
    Other Sources: Drops from direct purchase Buildings in your city:
    Neutrino Observatory

    Student Pack
    Gold Coins: 300
    Experience: 140
    Rewarded Items: Knowledge Database
    University (collection x1)
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