Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

AirportCityGame.com Ownership


350+ Star Club
Top Poster Of The Month
@Dave great job! I am member since may 2012 only a few weeks after you created this site.... more than 4 years and still addicted to this game and ofcourse to this fantastic site :love::love::love:

And that's what I still find amazing, we still have so many people posting on the site which have been here for a significant amount of time such as yourself. Just shows what a friendly community we are!


1200+ Star Club
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Friend Code
I think we we're getting our terminology muddled. Although this is a forum, I still refer to it as a community, which I believe it is.

I agree the Airport City facebook page isn't a great place for people to trade items, but many people still try and do just that.

I know Game Insight have their own forum, but from my perspective its awful. > http://airportcityhd.gi-center.com/forum/rubric/9

The trading thread has over 45,000 posts, which is very off putting and would be impossible to keep track of. Also the trading threads, launch threads are all contained in the "Off-Topic" section of their forum, which they describe as "Free Space for Off-Topic Communication" - How trading and launching on an official Airport City forum is off topic stumps me!

However, I can see why people get confused thinking this is the official site after seeing the official one.
Yes, I was talking about Facebook community and this Forum.
Sorry if I created any confusion, this forum is a huge part of Airport City Community


500+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Friend Code
I think we we're getting our terminology muddled. Although this is a forum, I still refer to it as a community, which I believe it is.

I agree the Airport City facebook page isn't a great place for people to trade items, but many people still try and do just that.

I know Game Insight have their own forum, but from my perspective its awful. > http://airportcityhd.gi-center.com/forum/rubric/9

The trading thread has over 45,000 posts, which is very off putting and would be impossible to keep track of. Also the trading threads, launch threads are all contained in the "Off-Topic" section of their forum, which they describe as "Free Space for Off-Topic Communication" - How trading and launching on an official Airport City forum is off topic stumps me!

However, I can see why people get confused thinking this is the official site after seeing the official one.

Yikes! That G! forum is atrocious. Somebody should go tell those poor people there's a better way!!
One of my many suggestions to GI was to ditch the facebook "community" and create a real web site.
It would easily pay for itself, not that I think any of us would be running to that if it happened. They have long
since past the facebook site which I assume was made when they were only on facebook? (though not sure that is correct)
I have looked at their forum a couple times and am quite amused by those that post there. They constantly plead
not to make new posts as their important trade and space threads will move down on the list. :D
I have thought about creating multiple posts just to mess with them but luckily for them I'm not really
that type of person. :cool:
I did make a page for this forum on the wiki, I just need to figure out a way to get it to stand out much more.
If I could get it to pop up on important pages it would be fantastic. Perhaps one day the owner of the wiki will
show up and I can get with him on this. :cool:
I thought I'd better post this to clear up a lot of confusion about this forum and its ownership.

AirportCityGame.com (This forum) is owned by myself. Neither the forum or myself have any connection to GameInsight or Road404. The only communication this forum has received from either company is from Ivan (Free2Play) who is the lead developer of Airport City.

The forum was started back in April 2012 shortly after the game was released. I was playing through the game and realised I needed friends to send me items to complete buildings. I searched online and found nothing except the official Facebook page which was full of people in the same position as myself.

I then decided to set up a forum for people like myself that wished to trade items with each other and the forum just grew from there.

Although the forum is owned by myself, we have a great team of administrators and moderators on the forum who help keep the site running smoothly.

The forum is funded from my own pocket, assisted by the donations made and also the ad's we have displayed to non VIP Flyers.

Hope that helps to clear up any confusion, as i've noticed recently quite a few people were under the impression this was a GameInsight/Road 404 official forum.
Thanks to you all Admins and Moderators
The truth is without this forum i will stop playing this game its happen before few years and cannot contact any buddy and stop playing for a long time then start again when i found this forum now i complete a year as member here during the year my city grow up very fast and this because a lot of members help me here thanks and i wish you the best and grow up more.
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350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows Mobile
Agent L
Forum is people. Like every community.
This one is nice, because we are this way. If unpleasant people come over, the community will change to reflect that. By no means I call from preventing people to come over here.
But when you take a bad community and move it's members into a good one, it's not the people that will change. It'll be the community.


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Truthfully, I would have given up on this game a long time ago if not for this forum. The only reason why the game is even meaningful, tolerable and enjoyable is because of the help of everyone here. Honestly, I don't know how AC players who are not in any forum or communicating with other players would even progress in this game.

Thank you for all you do.
@Dave - like everyone else has said, what a wonderful place this is. I can't remember how I found it but I'm so glad I have done. My game has gone from strength to strength because of the help and advice on here.

Before finding this place my only source of info was from the Facebook page, I think most of you know my opinions of that place and some of the answers I got on there to genuine questions about the game and it's features.

Keep up the excellent work

Deleted member 5399

This is by far the best forum website I've ever seen. First and foremost because it was created by a player like ourselves.
Most other game forums/community pages contain more of FAQ type format.
Here; we've all come to know each other, maybe not as personal as friends and family we physically know, but still we have become friends and family.
When someone cries out for help with a launch, needed items, etc; often lol at times we are inundated with the items gifted, or before we could see how many joined a launch, we are/were surprised just how many showed up to add points, some even bringing QLs to the mission.
Someone said somewhere along the way, because ethnically speaking we are a rather large diversified group of people, that often we wish our own governments could learn a lot from such camaraderie.
The world may be a better place if that were so.


900+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Musketeers Alliance
I thought I'd better post this to clear up a lot of confusion about this forum and its ownership.

AirportCityGame.com (This forum) is owned by myself. Neither the forum or myself have any connection to GameInsight or Road404. The only communication this forum has received from either company is from Ivan (Free2Play) who is the lead developer of Airport City.

The forum was started back in April 2012 shortly after the game was released. I was playing through the game and realised I needed friends to send me items to complete buildings. I searched online and found nothing except the official Facebook page which was full of people in the same position as myself.

I then decided to set up a forum for people like myself that wished to trade items with each other and the forum just grew from there.

Although the forum is owned by myself, we have a great team of administrators
and moderators on the forum who help keep the site running smoothly.

The forum is funded from my own pocket, assisted by the donations made and also the ad's we have displayed to non VIP Flyers.

Hope that helps to clear up any confusion, as i've noticed recently quite a few people were under the impression this was a GameInsight/Road 404 official forum.

CONGRATS ! To you Dave and all your team. You deserve to be applause by all of the forum players and more than that, I invite each player to become a VIP player in appreciation for all the work that you did to make the people around the world to help each other. By becoming a VIP player or by giving any donations, you will help this forum to stay alive.
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My username RidwanFd and 040zngib is a my friends code. I'm very respect for you to respond my invitation me.
I would disagree. When you start playing the game is quite simple, which is the idea to get you drawn into playing.

As you progress, it would be virtually impossible to play without either having friends send you items or spending vast amounts of money completing buildings/quests etc.

Without having a community available to easily trade I would have given up playing about 4 years ago. In fact, I would hazard a guess most people on here would.

Yup, February 2015


-A humble thank you and kudos on a continued job well done..........!
  1. Android
Friend Code
Cowboy Roper
If it were not for this forum and all the help I have received from it, I probably would have given up on Airport City a couple of years ago. Thanks to the people here, I have obtained advice to help my city grow. Best of all, when there are problems, due to an update, the AC lead developer appears to learn about them and gets them corrected as quickly as possible.

Thank you all for this forum.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
I thought I'd better post this to clear up a lot of confusion about this forum and its ownership.

AirportCityGame.com (This forum) is owned by myself. Neither the forum or myself have any connection to GameInsight or Road404. The only communication this forum has received from either company is from Ivan (Free2Play) who is the lead developer of Airport City.

The forum was started back in April 2012 shortly after the game was released. I was playing through the game and realised I needed friends to send me items to complete buildings. I searched online and found nothing except the official Facebook page which was full of people in the same position as myself.

I then decided to set up a forum for people like myself that wished to trade items with each other and the forum just grew from there.

Although the forum is owned by myself, we have a great team of administrators and moderators on the forum who help keep the site running smoothly.

The forum is funded from my own pocket, assisted by the donations made and also the ad's we have displayed to non VIP Flyers.

Hope that helps to clear up any confusion, as i've noticed recently quite a few people were under the impression this was a GameInsight/Road 404 official forum.
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