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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - February 22nd 2016

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Gt city

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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
To make the trading experience as easy as possible, please post the following details in your post and in your signature:

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This thread will last for 1 week. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
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Noticing something wierd this morning I usually get a spread of guest landing aircraft - mostly Jets, a fair number of Delta's and Jumbos as well as a few small twion props. In the first half hour this morning I have had loads of the small aircraft, fewer jets and no jumbo's at all. I hope they havent changed the balance in some way as I rely on these aas a major source of coin income (O keep the game open on one screen most of the time when I am doing other things on the computer) I invested 100,000 coins in a level 5 runway so that I didnty have to refuse so many jumbos. This had been looking a wise investment until this morning as I was seeing 4-5 jumbos an hour but not seen even one this morning!


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
Thank you so much to all my neighbors for my gifts, I have updated my signature, gifts out for today please message me if I can help in any way
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  1. Android
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Noticing something wierd this morning I usually get a spread of guest landing aircraft - mostly Jets, a fair number of Delta's and Jumbos as well as a few small twion props. In the first half hour this morning I have had loads of the small aircraft, fewer jets and no jumbo's at all. I hope they havent changed the balance in some way as I rely on these aas a major source of coin income (O keep the game open on one screen most of the time when I am doing other things on the computer) I invested 100,000 coins in a level 5 runway so that I didnty have to refuse so many jumbos. This had been looking a wise investment until this morning as I was seeing 4-5 jumbos an hour but not seen even one this morning!

Monitoring closely now and I would say that small aircraft landings have doubled and large (jumbo) have halved. I have submitted a ticket to GI asking them - no doubt they will claim it is random (even though we all know that computers dont do anything random!) I am curious to know if any other regular players are noticing the same.

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
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What a week! I had a lot on my plate at home and still managed to complete the event, reach 51 and achieve 3rd place on the world ranking for St-Petersburgh! Didn't even know I was in the race :D!
Couldn't have done it without all of your gifts, neighbours!
It's an absolute honor to be your neighbour!

Next stop: sweets factory and runway 6!(y)
What a week! I had a lot on my plate at home and still managed to complete the event, reach 51 and achieve 3rd place on the world ranking for St-Petersburgh! Didn't even know I was in the race :D!
Couldn't have done it without all of your gifts, neighbours!
It's an absolute honor to be your neighbour!

Next stop: sweets factory and runway 6!(y)
Super, good job(y)

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins

I've just finished gifting my 20 gift items for today, Monday 22nd February. This mornings plunder brought in 21,800k coins and 16 launch ready blue chests, just above average. The 16 blue chests brought in 50% high valued resource items for future red launches. I've updated my signature. My thanks for all of the gifts received, my inbox was full, 30 gift items. Someone is bound to post they received twice as much.


Captain WH Rollins
Hi All,

Have sent out all today's twenty gifts and have ten more lined up for tomorrow ! Thanks for all the gifts received they really help me keep my planes in the air.

I managed to complete the event with12 hrs to spare. I have six more flights to make to Sydney, then I can sell all but one of my jets and concentrate on Delta destinations.

I have reached level 59 with 107 stars. Finally I have decided to go for the level 6 runway and have 195k out of the required 800k. So only flying for the nexr three/four weeks !!

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