Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

View My Signature - Captain WH Rollins

Signature Updated:- Monday 17th February 2025
Update Timed At:- 10.00am Greater London (UK) Time
Operating System:- Windows 10
My Game Name:- Captain WH Rollins

My Friend Code:- To become neighbours, you need to be a forum member and send a Private Message
Game Play Time:- 6 Hours Per Day (6.00am - 6.00pm UK Time)
Game Status Level:- 80

Star Skills Status Level:- 309
Reputation Status Level:- 20

There is a wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides sub section, of the members forum. I have written the user guides to help you with your game. They will provide you with all the information you need, to help you make a success of your game. The user guides can also be accessed via the following link https://www.airportcitygame.com/forums/capt-wh-rollins-guides.65/ There is also the Airport City Wiki, which can be accessed via the following link https://www.airportcitygame.com/wiki/

1st Gift Set Option - Fuel 20 Units, Fuel Catalyst, Navigation Module, E-Reader, VR Headset, RDF, Strobe Light, Earplugs, Spare Propeller, Attitude Indicator, Fuel Hose, Wireless Compass, Oscillating Beacon, Spare Wire, De-icer, Fuel Additives, Fuel Supply, Landing Lamps
2nd Gift Set Option - Warning System, Pilot Headset, Spoiler, Autopilot, Pitot Tube, Head-Up Display, VSI, Lamp Shade, Hydraulic Cylinder, Differential Relay, Gyroscope, Altimeter

Hand Dryer, Passengers (5), Fuel 3 Units, Computer, Air Conditioner, Fuel Catalyst, Transceiver, Generator, Welder, Bath Towel, Paint, Stabilizer, Landing Lamp, Copy Machine, Projector, Dispatch Console, Radar, Rope Block, Guestbook, Fuel (20 units), Passengers (10), PR Transmitter, Video Wall, Flight Helmet, Flight Goggles, Textbook, Slide Rule, Server Rack, Packaging Machine, Laser Level, Stapler, Calculator, Whiteboard, Fuel Supply, Power Source, Drill Machine, Insulation, Jet Engine, Ergonomic Chair, Smoke Detector, Great Shots, ATM, Imprinter, Chocolate Candies, Fuel Additives, Wide Angle Binoculars, Weather Display, Solar Cell, Shredder, Cash Counter Stamp, Additional Radar, Master Plan, City Model, Spire Wire, Ampermeter, Lining Plate, Hull Parts, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Filled Candies, Strobe Light, Flight Catering, POS Terminal, Security Camera, Anti Theft Gate, Glass Display Case, Cooling Chamber, Defroster, Archive Box, Navigation Module, Fuel House, Gyroscope, Transmitter, White Gold Bracelet, Spare Propeller, Deicer, TV Panels, RDF, Differential Relay, Lamp Shade, Flatwork Ironer, Blanket, Attitude Indicator, Crucible, Hydraulic Cylinder, Autopilot, Earplug, Fruit Lollipop, Slading Table Saw, Pilot Headset, Head-Up Display, Bed, E-Reader, VR Headset, Sleeping Pill, Pitot Tube, VSI, Granulator, Water Dispenser, Time Server
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