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Windows PC - Weekly Trading Thread - November 30th 2015

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@rocky If the Thought position is still vacant i'd like to take the seat again if you will.
Just had bad moment and seems lot of you as well as others depend on me for support, as well as you all support each other and myself. It seems to me there is a lot of ' GENUINE' caring here.
I see that now. Often, sometimes people can be misleading, and other times one can just feel the spirit of goodness, (no pun intended) in the air, when we fly the skies together.
That being said; I'd like to pose a question to all of you. Off the wall question.
We all know that when Croocker, (so much reminds me of Duke Crocker from Haven on SYFY) arrives in town, he carries with him the golden toad. Has anyone ever considered just how many coins can be collected at one time?
In my main city, mine is 22,000+ if i don't use an inconvertible coin; then it's 3X that and some.
I am enjoy , go for it Ken ! And Cats will do too with you ! The best team ,you and Cats for the '' tought of the day '' we can have , go for it team , go for it ,fabulous
  1. Windows PC
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chuck/items I need
Actually no! Last year we didn't get one flipping snowflake, and let me tell you the kids (mine included) let everybody know about it! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

They say (but do they ever know???) that we will not get snow again this year. But we didn't have the below freezing temps this early last year........:coldfeet::coldfeet::coldfeet::coldfeet::coldfeet::coldfeet::coldfeet:
Got snow here in Idaho!


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CATS?? Is That Cat S? Cat Stevens? Catsup? lol
I can't have no cats or dogs as pets!! Not sure about birds or goldfish. maybe goldfish crackers or gummie fish.
See now thinkin bout using gummie worms to catch the gummie fish to attract the attention of cats.
I am sure you will be gentleman:) ( like you are usually ) with Cats and you will do a great DUO :D


150+ Star Club
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So far we have correct answers from @Ten33go @SactoDave @yenta613 @wkndcmpr @rocky !!! Congratulations!

I will reveal the answer tomorrow morning.... to allow our night/day crew to take a try!

It is Riddle time.... this time everyone should send me a private message (PM) with the answer.

This is my own riddle and is about our airport cities. The riddle is not about a REAL airport... it is about our Airport City airports

PM (private message/conversation) me the correct answer:
I will announce the answer tonight.

Airport City Riddle --- This one is easy....

What flight destination is this?

I have a tall lady to greet you
Landing with a navigation module
The approach is long, catering is a must
Morning brings a mere coins, less than 200 I trust
Landing here brings lots of smiles
Because we know Cluck lives within a couple hundred miles

And yes the answer was New York !!! Thanks for @Akims and @Wired Parrott for two more correct answers!

Two riddles for today:
You go in through one hole, you come out through three holes. Once you're inside you're ready to go outside, but once you're outside you're still inside. What is it?

The forum member who provided this riddle has a Profile Name that could be described as a Hyper Repeater.

  1. Windows PC
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Hi all, I thought that I should check in to prove my existence seeing as I can't visit your little cities anymore. I have read through most of the posts for the week and I never knew clicking on a destination revealed who the leaders were, probably for the best as I don't have time to be that competitive and I would only be annoyed if I lost so ignorance is bliss as they say.

@Robert, I'm really sorry to hear about your heart attack, rest up, take it easy and I hope that the NHS are looking after you. It certainly hasn't been a great year for you so I wish you all the very best for 2016!!!!..........

As for me, still busy, still working, still got my own 4 children (well 3, one has left home) to look after, going to night school, just closed on our commercial property yesterday so now its renovation time, then sell our city home in the Spring and move to our cottage in the summer and open the spa, then who knows as we are not a couple just to move along with the every day grind of life, there always has to be something big going on. At times I think that I'm going to be hugging myself in a straight jacket and popping pills by the time I'm 40!
  1. Windows PC
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Good Morning All !!

I have had a good week thanks to your generosity with gifts.

I have also learnt about the existence of the Wiki site, wish I had known about it before !
This means I can collect the items needed to upgrade my terminal before I reach the magic number of coins required. (80,000 !! Ouch !!)

Also, following @Flo 's exploits flying to London etc, I have discovered the Map which has enabled me to embark on my own effort to get some Top 100 rewards.
The bad news is that the Airport is also being visited by Columbia Airlines, a known cheat. @Bob1977

And finally, after my foolish attempt to obtain gifts by a global message in this thread, I have learned to request via conversations !

So Thank You All !!!

Hi Harcourt,

It took you some time to find the World Map. I am watching you on that map. Watch out. I will compete with you... LOL. No, see ya around the World Map.



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New Member Spotlight

One of the new features for Rocket J. Squirrel Productions is the member spotlight. During the week, new and current members will be spotlighted to provide a chance to send them neighbor requests, fulfill their / your needs and to just familiarize people with each other, who we may, or may not see very often on the forum, but are active players.

Today's member spotlight features @Akims. She has been a member of the forum since 10/31/2015, but doesn't post as often as some of the other members. She is currently at level 55, with 106 stars. She appears to need Green launches - She's trying to get her Alien Legacy - and flight items such as Spare propellers, Fuel hose, Deicer and F20 as priorities.

If you already haven't become neighbors with @Akims, send her a friend request (Friend code: w6lnfrb) to be her neighbor, and remember to tag or private message her to let her know.

Nice to have you on the forum @Akims!!
Hi gang - tonights gifts out - returned all of yesterdays and well into todays. Now here is the joke:-

"I used to have a job at a calendar factory but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off."

Ha Ha Ha - like that one!

or try this one instead:-

“Two guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks.”

keep smiling gang


350+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
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Okay now.
There seems to be A; Either a serious glitch in the gifting situation, or no one gifts are getting through the transporter to the other side.
A few days ago, I was overwhelmed with gifts and suddenly, I'm down to maybe one or two here and there.
I've even checked sending gifts between !KB 1 & 2 and nothing. Even !angel says it's been several days since she got anything from me

They seem to come in bunches. There won't be much, then there's a lot. I have also noticed that overnight flight drops are becoming somewhat rare lately too. But I still get gifts, and occasional overnight drops, soooooo. Who knows?
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