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How to set up Fuel(20) exchange ring

Since many people are upset about losing the ability to send Fuel(20) from their accounts, here's a guide on how to set up an additional account for exchanging fuel alone. Here are the highlights:
  • Minimum time and effort to play the fuel account (about 30 seconds a day)
  • Get up to 20× Fuel(20) on top on your regular gifts

Some people have already ran such rings in the past or are running them currently: @RavenENTP , @gbswales - I am building up on great work they've done, thanks guys!

Here's how to do it:
  1. Find up to 19 other players who will participate in the scheme
  2. Create a support account (guide on supports is here) that can send fuel(20) and level it up to lvl10
  3. Add your main account to your support's neighbors
  4. Add other people's main accounts to your support's neighbors
Now, all you do with your support is to: log in, select fuel gift, tick all checkboxes and click "send". The longest part of playing your fuel support is actually waiting for the game to load : )

All of the above seem obvious, but in the fuel exchange ring don'ts are way more important than dos:
  1. Don't add any other neighbors than your main and 19 other people's mains!
  2. Don't do any XP actions! Don't send flights, don't land guest planes, etc.
In fact I recommend selling all hangars and runways once you reach lvl 10. Here's why: such rings fall apart because people do actually play support accounts. They begin to need items for buildings, eg Flight School. This leads to adding other supports to get the items - and that ruins the simpleness of sending Fuel(20) to everybody, because now you have to keep track on who is a main and who is just a support. Supports level up, so new gifts become available - and this again ruins the simpleness of sending one gift to everybody, because now you have to keep track on who needs what. Once the simpleness is lost, you tend to spend more and more time on your support, it becomes a tedious task, and you inevitably WILL abandon the support and the ring falls apart. This is how I abandoned some of my many supports, because the day is not long enough to play 5 games full-time.

Keep it simple, less is more. The slower you drive, the farther you get!


1000+ Star Club
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Sorry for raking up an old thread, however thought it was best suited here.
I hear these rings are frowned upon by GI - Is that something in their T&C's of playing the game?
See: Section 5. Acceptable use policy on the GI site.

** create any User account by automated means or false pretenses, create more than one account per device, or use any other User account(s) for any purpose, including to circumvent a suspension or ban;

Baz :)


350+ Star Club
Top Poster Of The Month
See: Section 5. Acceptable use policy on the GI site.

** create any User account by automated means or false pretenses, create more than one account per device, or use any other User account(s) for any purpose, including to circumvent a suspension or ban;

Baz :)
Im guessing it falls under the " false pretenses " part if you do it on a different device.


1000+ Star Club
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I was thinking that @Madge59230 - It's just a group of people gifting each other. I just thought that was the closest GI might use - doubt it though.
The thing is, they have rather shot themselves in the foot because by saying 'no more than one account per device' they are in fact allowing such accounts to be rendered acceptable by using another device by the same person/player. Perhaps this is why 'post facto' they do not openly challenge people with user accounts but prefer to simply make life difficult for them as in V7. It is also interesting to note that so many players are involved with Cash payments in gameplay who also happen to use support accounts.

Baz :)


350+ Star Club
Top Poster Of The Month
The thing is, they have rather shot themselves in the foot because by saying 'no more than one account per device' they are in fact allowing such accounts to be rendered acceptable by using another device by the same person/player. Perhaps this is why 'post facto' they do not openly challenge people with user accounts but prefer to simply make life difficult for them as in V7. It is also interesting to note that so many players are involved with Cash payments in gameplay who also happen to use support accounts.

Baz :)
I suppose in a way I can see the one account per device, however they could have been more succinct and said one game per player if they really wanted to be strict.


1000+ Star Club
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I suppose in a way I can see the one account per device, however they could have been more succinct and said one game per player if they really wanted to be strict.
I totally agree with their ambiguity, but I wouldn't want to be the one to find out first by asking them. :) I suppose that at the close of the day, they'll only seriously clamp down on matters such as overt and covert cheating, and rightly so, and then anything that affects their profit margins :) :)
It will be interesting to see if they employ further methods of restriction on SA's in V8.

Baz :)
I've often wondered if these T&Cs were written before AC became available on Windows with it's separate accounts. If my husband (or friend or whoever) is using my computer, but has his own windows account he logs into, is that considered to still be the same device? It's a separate player, a separate account, but the same machine.

I can see them cracking down on Nox (and they have said they don't support android emulators) - as many accounts as you have email addresses. Just as well with Nox, it has become a major resource hog.


1000+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
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I've often wondered if these T&Cs were written before AC became available on Windows with it's separate accounts. If my husband (or friend or whoever) is using my computer, but has his own windows account he logs into, is that considered to still be the same device? It's a separate player, a separate account, but the same machine.

**And that's the ambiguity they're locked into. :)

I can see them cracking down on Nox (and they have said they don't support android emulators) - as many accounts as you have email addresses. Just as well with Nox, it has become a major resource hog.


1000+ Star Club
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  1. iPhone
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GI is a business at the end of the day - profit is all that matters. But, in pursuit of that profit, the key is to provide a game that players are happy to empty real money into supporting. I have 3 account games. My main game is the GI cash cow, I spent £38.98 in the last "Massive Sale" so that I could buy 5 land plots to expand my city (70 greens per plot in the land sale) plus a couple of extra bonuses. I have a fuel account and a support account to make my main account game better. But I never spend any money on either account. But those support accounts now feed QL's and F20 into my main game, to allow me to get more enjoyment from my main game. Everyone in my alliance has at least one other account to support their game, and I believe they all spend money on their main games.

Net result. We are all happy and spending money on our games, albeit three games for the price of one.

As for cheating - playing more than one game at the same time is not cheating. It does give me big benefits in gameplay, but those benefits are freely available for all game players who realise the benefits of support games.

I do not believe the developers will stop us doing this, because they still want our income. We are happy, we spend money, GI pays its staff and investors. Everyone is happy.

As for version 7. The 100 limit upset a lot of experienced players. But there were a lot of compensations too. I personally like version 7 better than version 6. Maybe Version 8 will make me even happier. If so, I will keep buying land to expand my main game. Oh, and I only have 4 planetariums, so there is more to be spent there too perhaps? And, GI, if you are reading this, I and a lot of players will keep spending real cash. ;)
I know someone who has posted openly to GI stating that

“several of my accounts were lost after a PC needed to be reformatted. The account codes which I would like to be transferred are:
1. Old code (OC) 20abcdefg to New code (NC) 20xxyyxxff​
2. OC 20blahblah to NC 20begentle​
3. OC 20yeahyeah to NC 20bitemenow​

... listing around 5 or 6 games to be transferred. The response was a “thank-you” for sending all the information at once, all laid out correctly and easy for them to do. They don’t seem to mind support games so much, but their bean counters aren’t thrilled with Fuel Rings (I know someone who knows someone very powerful in GI and that’s what they heard :cool: ).
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