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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - August 22, 2016

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@Ten33go Good question as I tried sending @Wired Parrott a request from !KB using the old code.

Well you probably don't recall but you are already in my neighbor list I am just not in yours.
I visit your planetariums daily. :D Perhaps we can get completely connected at some point of
course need to update my main WP account probably tomorrow sometime. :cautious:

Deleted member 5399

Okay Codes and siggy updated.
Good Day, Good Night, or Evening and afternoon. I'm sure where live it's one time of day or another.

Deleted member 5399

One more GOOD thing before I nod off on the keyboard.
When adding passengers to your terminal; if for example your terminal holds 1800 and your adding quickly, if by any chance you reach 1799 and click on a residence that holds 12, you wont lose those 11 lost people. Your total will read 1811.
That was something I always held onto the smaller residences like cottages and such just to make it w/o any losses.

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
One more GOOD thing before I nod off on the keyboard.
When adding passengers to your terminal; if for example your terminal holds 1800 and your adding quickly, if by any chance you reach 1799 and click on a residence that holds 12, you wont lose those 11 lost people. Your total will read 1811.
That was something I always held onto the smaller residences like cottages and such just to make it w/o any losses.
Finally I read a good change that makes sense... :)
Not sure anyone has perused the weekly rankings specifically for giants?
Seems like there is either some fishy stuff going on or people are spending
literally way more than any sane person would. This one guy(Russian game name0 who is in the top 3
in multiple locations has flown the following.

Caracas 230
Oslo 230
Johannesburg 230
Toronto 230
Tortuga 229
Helsinki 229
Melbourne 230

For a total of 1608 giant flights, so evidently no more congratulations for the fair players.
So much for the 1st in Johannesburg and was working on a second 1st to Toronto.
Perhaps they will let me add 5 weeks of my flights together so I can compete. :whistle:


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
My game also looks totally different when I started it up just now, got home late and wanted to take a quick look but what a big surprise and don't know if I'm very pleased with it.

I only have 7 more friends: Madlen Airborn, @Brickhouse , @david smith only gamerader, @Cath only cath 1
Vivke sorry to hear we have lost each other :( I am not upgrading yet as in middle of upgrade and want to finish that first (take screenshot as proof in case of problems)
So when I go on to Cath2 will see if I can visit and will send a gift, can you let me know if you received it (y)

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Aviators (10.30am GMT London)

Following my mornings game upgrade - I will need to re-add all my neighbours. I will be doing this in batches of 10 - so I can keep a tight control over the process. I do not know how long this will take, but I will work my way through it. Fortunately, I still have my paper copy list of neighbours.

Captain WH Rollins
Hi All,

I am back from my break, only to walk straight into an upgrade.
Oh well, I didn't have anything planned for today.

My new friend code is shown below.

I am adding people as I see their new codes in this forum / conversations

I have added @Wired Parrott - WP2.

I have @Brickhouse and @Cath1(but not Cath2 !!) on my friend's list.

I will post here as I progress new neighbours.

Finally my Red Launch with @Captain WH Rollins and @Ty Gigamon failed, but I did get some resources in compensation.

  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
Please Message me to request
Arggh entered two posts earlier about the upgrade - in the wrong forum!! They are here in Android/IOS somewhere!!!
Upshot is - not happy - I too have lost most of my neighbours on my main game - my drone is still ok but not sure for how long
also got a load of people I dont know but now realised these may be people I had long ago and deleted when I opted to add forum members only.
I wrote a cross mail to GI support today before I read how many others this has happened to - not had a reply yet - I am not playing my main game or sending gifts until it is sorted out
My friend code has also changed
Apparently some are saying that neighbours return when they upgrade their games so either way I am going to wait a few days before doing anything - I was ready to quit the game earlier but calmed down a bit now i have read how many are affected. I just dont understand how GI manage to get it so wrong when they upgrade.

I hope to be back to business as usual at some stage - for the moment I am still sending fuel20's out from drone account.

New game code (unless they change it again) is
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
Please Message me to request
Have now deleted all the spurious (former) neighbours from my list and find that there are just 4 of you left - you are
@Brickhouse , @Cath (Cath1) , @david smith (gameraeder and gamerader2)
Are all your games updated?
I will wait now to see if more appear or if GI support manage to re-instate any
My new game code is 20a24adm
If anyone from my old list adds me I will accept but am not sending out any invitations myself until I am sure everyone is updated
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
Please Message me to request
While the neighbour thing is a pain - there are some positives

1) The zoom in/out using scroll wheel or the new buttons enables you to quickly view a whole airport - great when looking for planetariums!
2) I can now see my passenger total on PC version (previously hidden due to resolution)
3) There is a quick support feature (big red G bottom right)
4) I now have Fuel20 in my gifting list (as long as I dont lose it from my drone!!) and, more importantly
5) That everything else seems OK - even my notes and coins

As soon as GI reply to my ticket I will start playing again - until them I am having a rest and joining the real world - new TV and Android box coming this weekend so plenty to keep me busy!
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