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The facts: Launch Ready Blue Chests Random Rates...

Another month comes to an end and here are my latest figures.

Things seem to be improving !!

Sept Launch Chests.jpg


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
After the latest Curse of valley update I noticed a big decrease in drops from planetariums. Drops seems normal from MCC. Normally I get 80-100 launch ready chests with Golden Dice + Friend in need, but today I only got 46. Its only data from one day, but a huuuuge difference. My friend in need bonus is active tomorrow to so then I will get more data and hopefully today was just a bad fluke.

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
Single round - friend in need - my problem with double round of visits is reset time - 2am - so that's unfortunately not an option - I like the game but not that much that I would stay awake or wake during night just to do another visit round :)
I completely understand, switching back to winter time is very good for me. 2am became 1am, making GD double visits way more manageable... :D
Anyone else notice a decline in PEBs since update?
Maybe I have just been unlucky but have not gotten 1 in
the last 70 or so chests. Seem to be getting more EBs
but no PEBs. Will be interested to see if this is a pattern
or as stated just really bad luck on my part.

I have just opened 25 chests >> 2 x PEB, 2 x MS, 6 x LFT.

I think your luck may have found its way across the pond !!


Ken Kyu Air

150+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
03mkk3ddl, 048nmfkm8
KenKyu1 (item needed) and KK2 (item needed)
I just playing Airport City for 4 months and here is all-time results:
LF 11%
SFT 12%
AS 21%
EB 5%
SF 47%
LFT 31%
MS 18%
PEB 29%
Your total % adds up to 174, how it is possible?
And how did you find these threads from 4 years ago???
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