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Sunday 22nd December 2013 - Android Daily Trade Thread

  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
vayka1, sent noya12 heaters
Gt city, sent a friend request to GT city4 from Jpjpjp2

To all,

I updated my signature. I could still use 5 sleigh covers if you can spare them.
If you need heaters, just let me know. I will hit sent back as much as possible, for the rest I will mostly sent old lanterns.

Thanks all
  1. Android
Friend Code
04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi pienicki, we aren't friends at my game AYON1. I've tried to add you, but the code is not working (invalid),damn!!!
So if you add AYON1 (aaa3pr1), i'll accept you immidiately.
Thanks for willing to send me Sleigh Oil.
  1. Android
Friend Code
ayvpwbz ; ar5a79u ; avyss2h
hello to all i have updated my sig, flip123 can you send please 3 heater to inconveniente and 8 for inconew?:rolleyes:
for the rest i need a lotof sleight to finish the hangars.
  1. Android
Friend Code
04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi all,
Thanks for the gifts my 3 games received today, gifts send out already.
VAYKA1 needs: Icicle, Snowballs, Lanterns
NOYA12 needs: Icicle, Snowballs, Lanterns
AYON1 needs: Lantern, Icicle, Snowballs.
Thanks in advance for sending(y)


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I know I've been away but still playing.

I need sleigh covers. I can send sleigh covers as well. In fact, I don't see many who can send it.... I don't know why. I will send sleigh covers to everyone instead of other gifts for now.
Thanks for your gifts! My gifts went out earlier this evening and my signature has been updated to reflect my current priorities.

Bali Hi: thanks for the Jet Engine, sent you Paint Fuel (20).
flip123: thanks for the jet Engine, sent you Oscillating Beacon.
Gt city: thanks for the Navigation Module, sent you Fuel (20).
TSharper: thanks for the Navigation Module, sent you Fuel (20).
javi: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
Juvenal: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Flight Catering.
zenmie: thanks for the Spare Wire, sent you Navigation Module to your itismie game.
perezgreg: thanks for the Fuel Additivies, sent you Fuel (20).
bubbajed5711: thanks for the Navigation Module, sent you Fuel (20).
melony: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
Toertchen: thanks for the Navigation Module, sent you Fuel (20).
valestij: thanks for the Spare Propeller, sent you Spare Propeller.
Pakman: thanks for the Navigation Module and Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
pienicki: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
Donclyde: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
Creatonist: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
summerxcape: thanks for the Fuel Catalyst but I don't need it, please do not waste your limited gift resource.
daniel degracia: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Master Plan.
Toddfish: thanks for the Passengers but I don't need it, please do not waste your limited gift resource.
Shinobi273: thanks for the Navigation Module, sent you Fuel (20).
Québec: thanks for the Fuel Supply, sent you Fuel Supply.
LAX: thanks for the Xmas items but I already auto completed the quest right after the update and I put "NoXmas" in my in-game profile name, please do not waste your limited gift resource. My needs are in my signature, and if you have to send Xmas items, please send to people who need them.
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