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iPad Daily Trading Thread for April 2013

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  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Uncle Mans
hi all...am trying to rebuild the stadium..as such, would appreciate if you can send me the following gifts : bench, goal posts, video board & robotic lawnmower...thanks...

my ipad username : sportychub

If you put it in your signature, I can send a lawnmower tomorrow. If not, I make no promises. :whistle:


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Thanks for all your various gifts - still trying to catch this bloody salmon for the fish market. Does anyone know if guest book is gift able tdv or is it a case of keep plugging away flying to New York, Goa.

Signature updated below.

Rsorour - Do you still need any help with your launch - how many points do you need?

Pakman I can send a guest book when my game resets. :)
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Hi all,

I have a question for the Ipad players... What is the maximum amount of flight catering facilities on Ipad?
I have heard 6 but I have seen 12........ Can someone answer that?



600+ Star Club
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
  3. Windows PC
Friend Code
Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Hi all,
I have a question for the Ipad players... What is the maximum amount of flight catering facilities on Ipad?
I have heard 6 but I have seen 12........ Can someone answer that?
I have a theory about how to get more than six buildings in general. When I was redesigning my airport, I noticed I had some unused Cemeteries. I added seven to the three I had already built. Because the max of six had not been hit yet, they all started building. Now I have ten. When I tried to add another one I got the "exceeded the number" message. I would assume the same rationale would apply to flight catering facilities or most other buildings.
Using this method I was also able to get my resident number way past the resident limit set by the Town Hall. I started building residences when I was under the limit and when the building was completed, my number of residents was way over the limit.


1200+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Daily gifts to:
greensmith (Waverly Huff) fuel hose ; (Waverlyhuff2) fuel additives
Dee140157 (Dee140147) flight catering ; (Ducks1) flight catering
GamingSwiftie (GS2)navigation module ; (GS3) spare propeller
flip123 (Jpjpjp) deicer ; (Jpjpjp2) deicer
Uncle Mans (Uncle Mans) fuel hose ; (Uncle Mans Phone) flight catering
Bali Hi (Bali Hi) passengers
Pakman (Pakman3) landing lamp
sportybear goal post
Colin Chew fuel hose
Julpauch flight catering
Hyphen flight catering
LAX spare propeller
Scooter Place spare propeller
Mrstepot spare propeller
Jahuno. flight catering
Hi all,

I have a question for the Ipad players... What is the maximum amount of flight catering facilities on Ipad?
I have heard 6 but I have seen 12........ Can someone answer that?


I think GI sorted this bug so you can only get 6 FC facilities. The neighbours who have more (including Pakman) built them ages ago and benefitted from the bug. I have tried to build another FC but it won't let me. In terms of quest buildings you seem to be able to have 10 - i.e. AL, Halloween houses & graveyards

  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Sankukia, (iPad) Sankukia2, (iPhone)
Pakman hi, I have just noticed that Pakman3 has gone from my neighbour list, tried to add again but just getting the error code, can you try from your game please.
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Uncle Mans
From Uncle Mans:
Arne - Flight Catering
Cioli - Spare Propeller
flip123 - Flight Catering
greensmith - Fuel Hose
Ianda11 - To Ianda11 - Fuel Hose
jgottlieb - Flight Catering
LAX - Flight Catering
Mrstepot - Cooling Chamber
must_dash - Spare Propeller
Ndh2 - Navigation Module
Pakman - Fuel Hose and Pacman3 - Weather Display
Paulfromhyde (aka Paul Hyde) - Flight Catering
Rsorour - Flight Catering
Scoob1964 : to Sankukia - Spare Propeller and to Sankukia2 - Hull Parts
Scott - Navigation Module
sportybear - Robotic Lawnmower
tdv - to TDVCrApple2: Spare Propeller

From Uncle Mans Phone:
Arne - Flight Catering
Brexter - to Stan Breckner and Stan Breckner 2: Spare Propeller
Dee140157 - To Ducks1: White Gold Bracelet
flip123 - to jpjpjp and jpjpjp2: Flight Catering
greensmith - to Waverlyhuff2: Fuel Additives
Ianda11 - To Ianda11 - Fuel Hose
LAX - Flight Catering
mv_airport - Flight Catering
Ndh2 - Navigation Module
Pakman - to Pakman2: Additional Radar
Rsorour - Flight Catering
Scatterkat - Flight Catering
Scoob1964 : to Sankukia - Fuel Hose to Sankukia2 - Smoke Detector
Tractatus - Powerful Radio Transmitter
tdv - Spare Propeller
  1. iPad
Vind airport
Yesterday night (CET) I sent the following:
Pakman - ordinary: Oscillating beacon, Pakman2: Additional radar, Pakman3: Landing lamp
Scoob1964 - Sankukia2: Additional radar
sportybear - sportychub: Flight catering
Uncle Mans - ordinary: Oscillating beacon, phone: Air vent filter
flip123 - all three: Fuel hose
Simp1710: Flight catering
GamingSwiftie - GamingSwiftie3: Flight catering
ozsnowy: Spare propeller
greensmith - Waverlyhuff2: Fuel additives, Waverly Huff: Fuel hose
144Vaux: Fuel hose
Zepedro: Fuel hose
@Julpauch: Fuel hose
LAX - LAX Regional: Deicer
lfcawc: Flight catering
  1. iPad
tdv need to send a request to you please for Ducks1. I need 3 ergonomic chairs, 2 smoke detectors and 1 archive box. If you or anyone else could help I would much appreciate it.

On an aside, I noticed once again with my notifications. I only ever have 1 or 8 notifications from airport city. Never 4 or 5. Is it just me?
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
see my signature
see my signature
Dee140157 - ofcourse - no worries - happy to help out... TDV19 can send ergo chairs, TDV20 (which you are already a neighbour off) can send smoke detectors and archive box
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