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Windows Thank you GI !!!

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
Since you fixed the "bug" that gave extra items when using golden dice on planetariums (and other buildings) when visiting neighbors, I am now saving $120. a year by not purchasing golden dice every day when visiting neighbors (as I used to).

Now since I am not purchasing greenies for the golden dice, I see no need of purchasing any greenies every other week when they are on sale so my former $30. / every other week purchase ($720. a year) is now almost $ZERO.00 a year now.

THANK YOU GI for bringing me to my senses and allowing me to save the money I cannot afford to play a game!
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Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Since you fixed the "bug" that gave extra items when using golden dice on planetariums (and other buildings) when visiting neighbors, I am now saving $120. a year by not purchasing golden dice every day when visiting neighbors (as I used to).

Now since I am not purchasing greenies for the golden dice, I see no need of purchasing any greenies every other week when they were on sale so my former $30. / every other week purchase ($720. a year) is now almost $ZERO.00 a year now.

THANK YOU GI for bringing me to my senses and allowing me to save the money I cannot afford to play a game!


150+ Star Club
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ask me
Amen to that.(y) We understand that you can't afford a decent server, so you fixed it. Now I'm no longer excited to play.:( The very LEAST you could could do is give us an alternative to acquiring more fuel, so we could have more fun flying.
Amen to that.(y) We understand that you can't afford a decent server, so you fixed it. Now I'm no longer excited to play.:( The very LEAST you could could do is give us an alternative to acquiring more fuel, so we could have more fun flying.
Well, you always have that level 3 powerful oil refinery for 2000 greenies. That will give you a whopping 40 more available fuel.:D:D:D

I think GI found too many people were able to purchase c/b/m's with the hundreds and hundreds of red launches being done - this was their strike back - cut down on red launches. It hurt everyone except the really old time players who have stock build up and the cheaters.


700+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
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I don't understand why so many harsh tones regarding fixing bug (it was a bug as description for golden dice was clearly defined long time ago - good for all of us was that it was affecting all buildings). Also GI was for sure aware of it for looong time and they didn't change it until now (imagine what would happened if that was fixed 2 years ago - how many of us will have greenies producing building if we all didn't have so many red preps and launching a lot).

Regarding refinery - upgrades are good but not essential so we all adapt it to our needs and possibilities. I'm far from the point where I'll be able to upgrade second one to full (maybe even never as many other things are better to be spent 2k greenies on).
This change just require change of strategy - different approach on launches - no more hectic launches as much as you can.

Yes, there were cheaters and there will be cheaters - for me, I don't care - at the end this is the game, not competition (maybe would be better to have milestone based rewards instead of ranking but thats up to GI - for example chest reward for specific amount of planes sent to specific destination (system that was introduced for daily tasks) - that would not stop cheaters to cheat but would help regular players to try to reach the goal).

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
I don't understand why so many harsh tones regarding fixing bug (it was a bug as description for golden dice was clearly defined long time ago - good for all of us was that it was affecting all buildings). Also GI was for sure aware of it for looong time and they didn't change it until now

I'm glad the "bug fix" is profitable for them!!!
Like @Kesh says, we need to change our strategies. This is an evolving game - if nothing ever changed, we'd probably get bored pretty fast. Maybe more people will go back to flying planes (I'm still amazed at the number of level 75 people who have less than 100 stars! :eek:) There is so much more to this game than space launches! Events, adventure buldings, alliances, just to name a few.

At least we have this forum where we can get all our bi**ching out of our system, then go back to planning and playing our games. (thank you @Dave and all the admins & mods for putting up with all our complaints)
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