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Deleted member 5399

All is forgiven. Water under the bridge and all that.
On with the game if we may.
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It kind of sounds like someone who is woefully out of the loop with GIs customer service took their frustrations out on the wrong person. The time traveler problem happens for no apparent reason and any player that has been around knows this. You have to write GI they will send you an accusatory response stating that just this once they can help out but it can only be done once any other time travelers by you too bad. Of course this is not actually what happens as they will help more than once knowing this anti cheat method is glitched. Most long time players know and have dealt with GIs customer support and weeks of not playing while waiting for their game to be fixed. To blame a player for the games issues is wrong and an uninformed opinion which by all accounts should be ignored.

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Some one has been complaining lately about being called a time traveler and cheater, by getting those annoying pop ups during game playing.
And of course this person does not get credit for launches and possibly flying to destinations on the World Map.

But today, after all I have done to help many of you,, I cannot recall anyone pointing a finger at me and accusing me of cheating.

I guess I rank in there with AnderL and yuzu and everyone is afraid to tell me to my face, it is my fault their game is messed up. my fault no one can visit neighbors.

And yet I recall my game being screwed up at one time, and being unable to send gifts or visit and receive gifts, and if i took that version of the game online i'd be blocked and banned; which it was for an entire month.

So after my punishment, I come back with a game I played offline for a month, never gaining rank in stars, getting credit for flights to destinations around the world map or space launches for a month!!!

And this person blames me for their issues with GI.

So people, I'm done. I quit. Game over. When it comes around time for visits to resume, either you will see a grey screen saying I'm away, and most likely I will sell all my buildings and other items, leaving a barren wasteland of empty pavement where the airplanes once where, and empty green land where a town once stood. The only buildings or other things left standing will be those things I cannot sell.

I am one to forgive this person for making accusations, but cannot think for a moment it is my fault!!!.

After all we spent a week together doing reds and into the weekend shortly after my official return with my original game, and we climbed the top 100 list together along with, rocky, utopgun, Ralphy, and several others.

Now I'm broken. Now I have no idea just how many private conversations have been going on pointing fingers at me, blaming me.

I'm done.
Just don't quit. Stil do not get it, how YOU can be accused of cheating. Is someone else banned of game from GI, or what is going on?
  1. Windows PC
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@KenDuckySmith You have been a real ally for me and I thank you very much for what you have contributed to me as well as I am sure many others on this forum.
But I am on the same page as you with this game but for different reasons. I am finding it terribly boring with nothing going on. I have accumulated close to 2M in coins but am hesitant to spend any real money to get land required to carry on. We have been told for months that an update is coming and I am getting way too bored to keep going on. I thank people like @rocky and @Ten33go for trying to perk things up but heading into the holiday season I see me utilizing my time much better than with this game. I am going to carry on for the remainder of the week but I suspect I will be tailing off after that. If in fact GI does do an update I probably will head back but at this stage I am not counting on that.


900+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Musketeers Alliance
@KenDuckySmith You have been a real ally for me and I thank you very much for what you have contributed to me as well as I am sure many others on this forum.
But I am on the same page as you with this game but for different reasons. I am finding it terribly boring with nothing going on. I have accumulated close to 2M in coins but am hesitant to spend any real money to get land required to carry on. We have been told for months that an update is coming and I am getting way too bored to keep going on. I thank people like @rocky and @Ten33go for trying to perk things up but heading into the holiday season I see me utilizing my time much better than with this game. I am going to carry on for the remainder of the week but I suspect I will be tailing off after that. If in fact GI does do an update I probably will head back but at this stage I am not counting on that.
It is the same feelings I think for most of players ....But I encourage you to keep your game because every body needs you and we need the fair players and the good minding spirit to continue. All of us need all of us !

Deleted member 5399

@Gt city @rocky @Wired Parrott @strats et.al.,
My point is I played for a month without gaining anything except building my city and earning bonuses etc offline. My punishment lasted 28 days. lol I guess GI figured they'd base the month of jail time on the month of February, (who knows).
@Gt city , I think I spoke with you or @Cosmic Blue as to the reason why I was blocked.
My goal thereafter though, what I had made for myself, my city and the bonuses I built up, I used not solely for my own selfish reasoning.
I'd jump in when someone had little time left on a launch counter, and pushed their launch off the ground. I lol along with @rocky sweated out a week; was it, launching around the clock and pulled people into the top 10 list in red launches? Even when they were low or getting low on launch items, I was the one who pushed and pulled them by the scruff of their collars, lol and yanked em aboard the shuttle and told em take a seat and hang on. I know @rocky remembers that marathon quite well.
I'm just very disappointed this other forum member at one moment is thanking me for helping him gain his first alien legacy, and the next making accusations, maybe not publicly; I have no idea if I'm now on their ignore list.
And after all the effort I put into the game, despite my being punished, like I said in my daily gifting post, I'm not grabbing the last parachute and jumping out. BTW I do know how from Airborne training at Ft. Benning. And if it were down to the last parachute and two of us on a burning aircraft; by golly, i'd find some way to tandem jump.

So I'm still here, and will continue to help anyone I see needs it. I've experienced those travelers and cheaters things too, mainly because I was lol anxious and hit the add button too soon resetting the timer on a PEB or Main Stabilizer. And yes several have problems not getting credit for launches or destination flights. But hey I'm not GI, I dont work for them, so lay your blame on someone else.
You the person who accused me, just remember I was there and helped you out too.


350+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Some one has been complaining lately about being called a time traveler and cheater, by getting those annoying pop ups during game playing.
And of course this person does not get credit for launches and possibly flying to destinations on the World Map.

But today, after all I have done to help many of you,, I cannot recall anyone pointing a finger at me and accusing me of cheating.

I guess I rank in there with AnderL and yuzu and everyone is afraid to tell me to my face, it is my fault their game is messed up. my fault no one can visit neighbors.

And yet I recall my game being screwed up at one time, and being unable to send gifts or visit and receive gifts, and if i took that version of the game online i'd be blocked and banned; which it was for an entire month.

So after my punishment, I come back with a game I played offline for a month, never gaining rank in stars, getting credit for flights to destinations around the world map or space launches for a month!!!

And this person blames me for their issues with GI.

So people, I'm done. I quit. Game over. When it comes around time for visits to resume, either you will see a grey screen saying I'm away, and most likely I will sell all my buildings and other items, leaving a barren wasteland of empty pavement where the airplanes once where, and empty green land where a town once stood. The only buildings or other things left standing will be those things I cannot sell.

I am one to forgive this person for making accusations, but cannot think for a moment it is my fault!!!.

After all we spent a week together doing reds and into the weekend shortly after my official return with my original game, and we climbed the top 100 list together along with, rocky, utopgun, Ralphy, and several others.

Now I'm broken. Now I have no idea just how many private conversations have been going on pointing fingers at me, blaming me.

I'm done.
I just don't understand..

I hope you change your mind.


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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Who accused you of cheating? A forum member? I don't understand why that would matter. Did they contact GI and now GI is contacting you? I'm sorry I don't see how this affects your game.

If you are just upset that someone did or may have (sorry not clear on that) called you a cheater - well sorry to be blunt but. who gives a crap? You shouldn't.

Maybe I'm missing something?

Deleted member 5399

@Cluck 1st yes it was a forum member, whom I had helped and whom I considered to be a friend, a good neighbor. 2nd, yes they contacted GI about their problem, and like anyone else who've had this same problem, we all know GI's responses. And yes I did give a **** about it considering I thought of the person as one of us all here.
But again, those dreadful, horrible, hateful words come back always to haunt me.
Another thought for today.

You can look for the good in all of the people, but not all people are good.

Okay now that that is clarified, time for me to get on with my helping those who I was helping before all this **** started.

Deleted member 5399

BTW I so much dislike putting people on the iggy list, and I never will.
Despite the misunderstanding, i am still here to play the game, fly with you all and help where help is needed.
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150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
@Cluck 1st yes it was a forum member, whom I had helped and whom I considered to be a friend, a good neighbor. 2nd, yes they contacted GI about their problem, and like anyone else who've had this same problem, we all know GI's responses. And yes I did give a **** about it considering I thought of the person as one of us all here.
But again, those dreadful, horrible, hateful words come back always to haunt me.
Another thought for today.

You can look for the good in all of the people, but not all people are good.

Okay now that that is clarified, time for me to get on with my helping those who I was helping before all this **** started.

You wrote "yes they contacted GI about their problem"

What exactly did they contact GI about, Was it about You being a cheater?

Did they call you a cheater publicly on the forum or just in an email to GI?

Maybe this is all a simple misunderstanding. You have told many people publicly now about how you didn't have a game for 1 month. You explained it to me a few months ago and honestly Ken, the way you explain it really does sound like you got caught cheating and GI took your game away for one month. I have never told anyone about that, but now it appears that you have told many people.

You do not write clearly Ken. you leave our pertinent information. Maybe this person is simply misunderstanding you.

Please clear this up because now you have upset several people on here on the forum. 3 people have PMed me wondering if it is them you are talking about. And now you are saying they are not "good" people. Do we really need this kind of drama?

Deleted member 5399

You wrote "yes they contacted GI about their problem"

What exactly did they contact GI about, Was it about You being a cheater?

Did they call you a cheater publicly on the forum or just in an email to GI?

Maybe this is all a simple misunderstanding. You have told many people publicly now about how you didn't have a game for 1 month. You explained it to me a few months ago and honestly Ken, the way you explain it really does sound like you got caught cheating and GI took your game away for one month. I have never told anyone about that, but now it appears that you have told many people.

You do not write clearly Ken. you leave our pertinent information. Maybe this person is simply misunderstanding you.

Please clear this up because now you have upset several people on here on the forum. 3 people have PMed me wondering if it is them you are talking about. And now you are saying they are not "good" people. Do we really need this kind of drama?
It's done. Over with. I wasnt publicly called a cheater and the person contacted GI about the time traveler issue. Can we simply just move on and play the game?
The same issue with my being blocked was due to this time traveler thing. I lost my game due to the crash in July with Windows 10, and when GI promised to fix it and did it their way, and I began to play again, they blocked me because of that stupid time traveler error.

But if there are people who wish to ask ME what is going on instead of someone else, they can be obliged to PM me if they wish.

If anyone questions me as a person, well then take me off your neighbor list and make sure you tell me so I can remove you too.
End of story.

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
It's done. Over with. Can we simply just move on and play the game?
That would be better for all, so we can enjoy to playing the game (y)

If anyone questions me as a person, well then take me off your neighbor list and make sure you tell me so I can remove you too.
Very good suggestion & solution :D (y)
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
WOW Ken, you should feel proud. I am not good enough at this game to be called a cheater. I guess that I am still considered a newbie.
Seriously Ken, you are believed by me to be one of the GOOD guys in this game. And I am proud to have you as my neighbor.:singing:
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Been off the forum for a couple of weeks and this all happened!! Anyways, as far as I am concerned @KenDuckySmith has been one of my best allies with both his primary and secondary accts!! As has anyone involved with the forum!! I miss the visits to see you guys and hope GI fixes this epic problem soon!! A very early Happy Holidays to all of my forum friends!! I will try to stay in the loop, but the next couple of weeks is gonna CRAZY BUSY!! Hope you and your families enjoy the holidays and have a spectacular NEW YEAR!!
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