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Friday 1st February 2013 Android Daily Trading Thread

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In the last 15 hours, I received gifts from the following neighbors and just returned gifts to you, please let me know if you receive them.

Beer Baron: thanks for the Deicer, sent you Cooling Chamber.
Maqu86: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Passengers.

For what it is worth, I will continue sending and returning gifts, hopefully they will go through soon, please let me know if you receive my gifts, so we know the system is back to normal.

Sky Ranger: saw your last post in yesterday's thread, I didn't receive the gift you sent. I will continue sending you something everyday, let me know when you receive one, so we know the system is back.
I Fly 2: you asked if people received your gift. I did receive one from you earlier yesterday and I posted and tagged you in my yesterday's post, and returned a gift to you. I didn't receive anything from you today, just so you know.
pienicki: I tried to add your a826d4n code again today, still the same, no error and no confirmation.
  1. Android
Friend Code
yabuki ichiban
  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
Hello to all. Yesterday I entered neither the chat nor in the game, so I don't know if the GIS server issues has been solved. I've tried to add nsari and it has not happened at all. Today I sent (hope you've received them):
O. beacon to Steve.
DND sign to pienicki.
Passengers to Maqu86, daniel degracia and t1878.
Grinding to tdv.
Gyroscope to I Fly 2.
Nav. module to cap'n5.
Whiteboard to InCoNvEnIeNtE.
Catering to Cicignon and sara.
Fuel hose to Suresh.
Spare propeller to Long and br3tt.
Whisky to Red Fox One and Hotdog.
Fuel to TT-Airport.
Long, I did not receive your gifts. Hopefully the system gets fixed soon.

Still looking for cooling chambers and defrosters.

Beer Baron: thanks for letting me know! I have sent you Cooling Chamber everyday for the last several days :(. Hope they will reach you some day.

Hello to all. Yesterday I entered neither the chat nor in the game, so I don't know if the GIS server issues has been solved. I've tried to add nsari and it has not happened at all. Today I sent (hope you've received them):
Spare propeller to Long and br3tt.

air canillas: still nothing from you, the gifting issue is still there just so you know, just sent you Fuel, not sure if you can receive it.

Event Horizon, thanks for the Flight Catering, I did receive it a moment ago, sent you Chocolate Candies, not sure if you can receive it.
  1. Android
Friend Code
PIE2 +item
  1. Android
Friend Code
I Fly 2
I'm glad to hear that you have been receiving my gifts. I haven't sent one today, my gifts refresh at night. I will send another gift in seven hours or so. I have not been receiving gifts from you though. That doesn't bother me nearly as much as making sure that you are getting gifts from me. Hopefully this glitch will be fixed soon.

air canillas
I don't know whether you are getting my gifts, but I am not getting the gifts you are sending me. Like I mentioned to LY above, my concern is much more that you are receiving the gifts I'm sending you. Please let me know. I've been sending you Fuel Hoses on a daily basis. I think I actually switched to Fuel Hoses from something else. I'm writing this without my little notebook where I keep track of my daily activity.

I Fly 2
  1. Android
Friend Code
PIE2 +item
I Fly 2 i need dnd sign but think i only havevyour i fly account and you aint got them can u srnd l lamp instead plwasr thanks will send u my yummy choc candies again if want summit else i have please say. Thanks for other gifts u sent me :)
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