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Friday 1st February 2013 Android Daily Trading Thread

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To try and make the trading experience as easy as possible, we have now moved onto having a daily trading thread.

Please post the following details below:
Username/Friend Code
in-game name
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.


150+ Star Club
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Good morning everyone :) Thanks to all for gifts and visit (y)
My gifting is still pretty erratic for now. Will try to streamline it by this weekend.

For all my loyal neigbhour .... i am looking for 'Fuel hose' :rolleyes:

Have a good day ahead :cool:

PS: tdv thank you for your generous gift supply (y) . You can gift me 'Fuel' without bothering about my signature for now :rolleyes: . Will let you know in case i require anything specific.
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Thanks to tdv and "username" I shortend down my list.
I'll be gratefull to get the rest in my list, then i am "star-flying" in som time again.
Ad me, so i can send return..
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I don't need any items for today. Need to expand, but I don't have the airport cash. Cannot upgrade some of the building since I cannot build anymore powerplant. Sigh.
syapik, here's what you can do to maximize your land

1) Sell your Level 3 runway. That will free up 8x2 plot of land on the airport side.
I resisted selling my 2nd runway too, until I have no choice in order to build the Launch pad etc.
2) Move your Coal Power Station, Fuel Station & Wind turbine to the airport side, that will free up two 2x2 and one 1x1 land on residential area. Build another Coal Power Station on airport side.
3) Your residential Car Dealership / Hamburger / Gazebo / Grocery / Cake Shop Layout, while neat and organised, does not maximize land use as you have too many 1x1 road flanking 1x1 shops.
4) Are you a player who checks the game every 5/15 minutes? If you are, you should build up to 6 cottages & 6 side wings. They actually generate more passengers than Mansion, House with Pools & Manor.

That's it, my 2 cents' worth.
  1. Android
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I Fly 2
Thank you everyone for the gifts. I suspect there are some of you that are sending me gifts and I am sending gifts back to you without either one of us receiving the gifts. There may also be some people that have to rotate gift sending as their limit of 20 people is exceeded. In the "real" world, or at least face to face world, asking someone whether they were sending you a gift or not is very uncomfortable at the least and many times just rude. At the same time, I really want to know if my gifts are getting through. If you are sending me a gift and not getting something in return, please let me know. If you send me a gift, I want to repay the favor!!!!!

I Fly 2
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