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Building Coin/Pax Drop Rates

  • Views Views: 5,301
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  • Buildings Coin and Pax Drop Rates




    Download the ZIP file and save on your Computer.
    The file contains two spreadsheets
    a) Passenger Buildings which can be bought in the store, from flights, and
    b) Coin producing Buildings from the same sources.

    The event Buildings are NOT complete.

    You need to personnalise the sheets in relation to what you have in your game.

    The following abbreviations are used: Feel free to change what you like on your copy.

    DODirect OfferFCHFlight Collection Helicopter
    ECEvent CollectionMSBMystery Super Buildings
    EREvent RewardNNone of these - Daily Collection
    ESEvent StoreSTStore
    FCFlight CollectionSTHStore Helicopter
    CCoins dropped onlyPPassengers dropped only
    CoinBCoins Bonus givenPaxBPassenger Bonus given
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