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Wednesday 10th April 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
To try and make the trading experience as easy as possible, we have now moved onto having a daily trading thread.

Please post the following details below:

Username/Friend Code
in-game name
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

Sure someone will help you.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.

Good Luck :cool:


Hi everyone, thaks for all the gifts. Spare wire sttll needed. Good day to all and good luck with organic ;)
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hey all

I need weather display and rope block.

I'll update my signature as needed.

Feel free to add me and contact me for what you need, i have 15 gift back for today :)
  1. Android
Friend Code
tdv thank you very much for all the robot testers. You send stuff when it is least expected and not even asked. I greatly appreciate your help. Thaks again.
  1. Android
Friend Code
mooer/item I need
I'm in the same boat with the Easter mission, I've got 11-0-1-6-4 zero chance of success I'd say!

I need 3 x Robot Testers, so if anyone can send me one that would be great. If you need anything specific in return, just tag me in a post and I'll be happy to help :) Thanks!
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hello neighbors. Thanks for all your gifts. Sent out my gifts for today about 2 hrs ago. I am in the same boat as air canillas, I need 4 fresh vegetables and only 19 hrs left. Don't think i am going to finish the mission.

Still looking for 2 laser level to finish the cosmic fuel station.
  1. None of the above
Thank you everyone who sent me gifts! air canillas InCoNvEnIeNtE Blackcloud pienicki thanks for the Cosmic Fuel Station items.
Today I sent:
kitkitkit (kit3) : Silver Crescent
lkoo : Silver Crescent
@mada : Deicer
mooers : Deicer
nsari & sari2 : Oscillating Beacon & Fuel Hose . Would you please send me Spaceship Engine? Just need 2 more. Thanks!
olly 333 : Jet Engine
Phantom : (ph2) Deicer
pienicki : Spare Propeller
primodakine : Fuel Hose
Raaaaaaaandy : Deicer
Suresh : Deicer
syapik : Flight Catering

tdv : I know this is too greedy of me, but would you please send me 8x Video Board from tdv19 for Stadiums? I can no longer get them now other than from gifts. Thanks a lot!

Hotdog : I have completed my Terminal level 5, thanks for your Archive Box!

Me too! I still need 2 more veggies! :mad: 5-2-6-7-8
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