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Blue Launch Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Captain WH Rollins

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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items
This 49th blue group launch has been opened by @Harcourt (HA Gift to Harco) support account and will remain open until the fuel gauge is full.

All launch places are open using only the following small resources - Small Fuel Tank (6 points), Additional Stabilizer (12 points), Explosive Bolt (24 points) and Solid Fuel (12 points). Once the four timers will allow, you can then add more small resources. The maximum opening resource investment is 54 and QL's can be used.

Please be very careful not to click-on Liquid Fuel (2 points)

You may need to visit a neighbour to force the Launch to appear.

Captain WH Rollins
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