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  1. Android
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I would like to know if worth flying the helicopters.
I can send them to Snowdonia (Italian translation) for a reward of 80 coins. Anyway it needs object for 60 coins equivalent if not more and fuel for 10 coins.

So the earning, when is positive is 10 coins.

is it worth it?
I would like to know if worth flying the helicopters.
I can send them to Snowdonia (Italian translation) for a reward of 80 coins. Anyway it needs object for 60 coins equivalent if not more and fuel for 10 coins.

So the earning, when is positive is 10 coins.

is it worth it?

As far as I can see, the helicopter flights aren't there to make you money. They have some good drops for flights & repair, a few buildings,, they'll get you stars, and the training flights are great for those daily missions that require so many flights to take off and land. This also is from someone who has completed almost all helicopter flights.
I would like to know if worth flying the helicopters.
I can send them to Snowdonia (Italian translation) for a reward of 80 coins. Anyway it needs object for 60 coins equivalent if not more and fuel for 10 coins.

So the earning, when is positive is 10 coins.

is it worth it?

Surely not in AC v7.0. !!! In v7 knowing its staying as beta cant see any attraction to fly helicopters for a week!
Oops - I didn't notice that this was an AC7 thread. :oops: When we first started the beta, I had a Sky Captain from those little boxes you get as a new player. I used that and flew 2 Sparrows to Yellowstone every 4 minutes, which got me 250*2 or 500 coins every 4 minutes. I ended up with over 40,000 coins when my SC expired. So, if you have a Sky Captain, 2 heli's, 4 guest houses, level 1 fuel station H, and a resource base (plus a lot of time to click every 2 minutes), you will definitely bring in some coin.

Apparently the Sky Captain was a bug, because I didn't get it in any of the other games I tried to start.


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Is there a difference in Helicopter flights between versions 6 and 7 (like new models or destinations)? In version 6 these flights get you 45 stars which is not that bad. Also, as it was mentioned, they sometimes help to accomplish daily missions. I did all flights/collections months ago and not not sure if I should keep Helicopter pads except probably one.
Is there a difference in Helicopter flights between versions 6 and 7 (like new models or destinations)? In version 6 these flights get you 45 stars which is not that bad. Also, as it was mentioned, they sometimes help to accomplish daily missions. I did all flights/collections months ago and not not sure if I should keep Helicopter pads except probably one.
No change.
I disagree that you can't make money from helis.
SC gives 7,000 coins income from Mont Blanc. So go ahead and calculate what can you do flying helis as a side activity while you have a SC active :) I personally do 100s of thousands in 24h, so it fully leverages the investment in heli buildings.

Are you 100 limited?
How many production buildings for helis do you have? How upgraded are they?

I am 100 limited, and have 2 of each production building, I tend to find having to micro everything is a massive pain. I have 100 of everything and build as I use them.
well, 6x from each factory building - I agree, that makes a difference
and yes, I don't have the 100 limit but still you should be able to do 5 flight per pad at least with 8 pads (I'll be able to prove it in a week from now :() => 280,000 coins
for me, it's not worth the green investment, assuming you have upgraded the factories. All my hele buildings have 6 slots. + I just wouldn't want to micro that for a day. I get about 120-150K a day just by playing so having to do all that micro is not worth it for 2 days income for me. Obviously different things work for different people and all that. + if you are using a SC you might as well as make the most of it as you say.
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