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Creating a Launch Thread

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Using the current system of a generic Green, Blue & Red launch thread, at first glance its difficult to tell whether someone is actually posting a new launch in that thread or replying to someone that has previously posted a launch.

From today onwards I propose that when you want to create a launch, instead of now using the pre-made launch threads, please create a new thread for your launch.

The reason behind this is:

1) It makes it easier to see when a new launch is taking place
2) Any posts in that thread will relate to your launch and thus make it easier to follow.

Ive also added some pre-fixes that you can use when posting your launch.
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
I started a thread for my blue launch......
If it is launched, you put it in a archive? 48 hours after created it should be launched and returned..... Thread is then not valid anymore....
  1. iPad
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Courtesy question, please. I want to be sure I follow common protocol to not irk any of my new neighbors. When joining a launch, what is expected as the contribution? At what point in the 24 hour time slot do you panic and throw all in to be sure the launch is successful? Thank you in advance for any reply
Just created some new prefixes to be used when creating a thread in the Launch Section.

Green Launch
Blue Launch
Red Launch

QL Green Launch
QL Blue Launch
QL Red Launch

QL Open Party - Mixture of Green/Blue and Red Launches. First come, first served.
QL Places Decided Party - Mixture of Green/Blue and Red Launches. Places decided within the thread.


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Courtesy question, please. I want to be sure I follow common protocol to not irk any of my new neighbors. When joining a launch, what is expected as the contribution? At what point in the 24 hour time slot do you panic and throw all in to be sure the launch is successful? Thank you in advance for any reply
When joining a launch, it's common courtesy to let the player who started the launch take first place ... unless that person has stated in a thread that it doesn't matter who takes first. If you take over someone else's launch too many times, you'll get a reputation as a "hijacker" and that will lose you neighbors.
It's difficult to say when you should end a launch as time drags on because of all the different time zones you're dealing with. Common sense is always a good indicator.
We've had some problems with "ghost launches" where you tap to join a launch but get shuttled off to your own launch. If this happens, don't add any fuel unless you want to put it all in yourself. I just let the timer run out. I also keep a list of which neighbors this happens with so I don't go that route again.

Helen Elizabeth

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Happy Helen
Hear, hear @greensmith

I tend to name and shame hi hackers
However I will advertise if I need help with a launch or indicate it will be a slow launch
in order to burn some of the larger stock which take 4 hours to burn. I realise not everyone wants a slow launch.

Launches rarely fail as someone will always help as neighbours on the forum are supportive.
  1. iPad
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I have just started my first launch countdown and am confused at the green, red, blue labelling referred to in this thread. What category is my first launch likely to come under? How do I go about recruiting neighbours to help me out?


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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
I have just started my first launch countdown and am confused at the green, red, blue labelling referred to in this thread. What category is my first launch likely to come under? How do I go about recruiting neighbours to help me out?
The three current launch ships are green Apogee, blue Prometheus and red Lunar. To complete an Apogee launch you must enter 1600 units of fuel within 24 hours. Prometheus takes 2000 units. Lunar takes 3000 units.
Best to start off simple with green Apogee. Post your launch plan in the appropriate thread. In your case that is:
Tell your neighbors when you will begin the launch and ask them to join you.
A word of advice: don't start a launch unless you have enough fuel to finish it yourself. Neighbors can help but if, for whatever reason, none join your launch, you will have to go it alone. Either put in all the fuel or wait 24 hours and let the launch fail.
  1. iPad
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Thanks Tom - although I can see the icon to add my neighbours to a launch, pressing it doesnt do anything. Is that because I've already started adding items?


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Thanks Tom - although I can see the icon to add my neighbours to a launch, pressing it doesnt do anything. Is that because I've already started adding items?
No, that icon never worked. GI should have gotten rid of it long ago.
If you want specific neighbors to join you, start a conversation with them. Remember that forum members are in different time zones all around the world.


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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
So how do neighbours go about joining a launch?
They tap on a launch pad, which brings them to a window that asks if they want to join a neighbor's launch or start one of their own. Neighbors that are launching are named in the window. If they want to join a launch, they tap on that neighbor icon and they join. You may not see that they've joined until you add fuel or close the launch window, then reopen it.
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