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Android: New update - Rockfestival


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Ok, since this is my first time doing this mission, what are the loudspeaker, power amplifier, haze machine and spotlight for? Are they building items for the music arena? If so, how many do we need of each?
  1. Android
GIS updated ALL GAMES. :arghh: Which means everybody can send the items needed for this event, even when you don't update!! I still have the Xmas update for Nina and the buildings did not change. As long as you do not update!!! I hope AL is still gifting the same. :cautious:
  1. Android
Friend Code
Well, that was a short quest! I had not managed to complete this mission last year but had 989 musical instruments and 113 biker jackets gathering dust in my warehouse which have finally found a use (well, some of them anyway!). The game did not recognise that I already had a Music Arena and after starting construction of a new one I thought about previous comments on this site and I moved the one I had built a year ago. It worked a treat, and I completed the mission.
diwata : yes, those are the build items for the Music Arena, I can't remember exactly how many are needed but I think it was 4 of each... Someone will post about this soon, I'm sure :). Good luck with the mission.
  1. Android
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lister:Item needed
You're probably right. Although I never got the point of collecting the statues of scientists in that quest.:grumpy:
In fact if its the same as Facebook ac, you have to buy a map from the airship store, cash or green (it only lasts 8 hours, so have some fuel saved up) and there's one for each location, think they're all turboprop flights


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Kazinho / Harambe
I notice my gifts have changed. Instead of sending regular fuel and passengers, I can now only send "facebook exclusive" fuel & passengers.

They really, really want facebook log-ins, hey? From now on if you want fuel, you might just have to hit the fuel depot every 10 minutes.

Speaking of which, I created a disposable account so that my Monty Burns avatar appears in game to attempt to clear confusion for those on this forum.

When I check my in-game profile it still has the original pilot silhouette. When I check in the Game Insight profile, it is updated. Can anyone who is a neighbour of mine confirm that the silhouette has been changed?
  1. Android
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Abi- most needed item
Time to build
a music temple (isthis the same as the arena??):24 hours or 4 greenies - no way! to spend my greenies for this
a camping: 6hours or 2 greenies
can you tell me where you find that camping ?? because i can find only the arena , but not the camping ! :(
  1. Android
Abi I found the camping in the list of buildings, I found not the arena. The easiest way for me to find the camping was to click on the button Show me or Let me see (i don't know the English version)
  1. Android
Friend Code
In fact if its the same as Facebook ac, you have to buy a map from the airship store, cash or green (it only lasts 8 hours, so have some fuel saved up) and there's one for each location, think they're all turboprop flights

So bullshit that we now get flights that have timed availability that we must buy with greens. There is no way to just find these maps? I got one from the new mission.



Arena Items are available flying to London, Dubai, Delhi and Berlin ;)

1. Get a bracelet from Bali
2. Go to the Country House of Mr. Wulf
3. Get a Certificate of Authrnticity from a neighbors Research Lab
4. Buy an Atlas from the Bookstore
5. Visit the Resaerch Lab to understand the decription.
6. Find some Map Draftes in Book Stores of your Neighbours. (6 pieces)
  1. Android
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air canillas
I must buy a Tollan map from airship shop, but... where is the airship? We have in Spain a snowy weather, so... Will Duke Crocker has got lost in the storm?
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