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Age of Ash

  1. Windows Mobile
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Looks like GI really doesn't care about Windows Phone anymore. First the update with the volcano event doesn't appear at all while everyone else got. Then the game breaking bug which reset a lot of our games. And when the the update finally arrived last friday 7 days already passed. So when we could finally start to play the event there were only 13 days left.
And when I finally got my game back a couple of minutes ago the whole quest got reset to 0 meaning everything I've done, collected and invested during the last couple of days is gone. And now there are only 9 days left to complete the whole event. Even less for those who haven't got there game fixed yet.

Some sort apology, recognition, gift or help from GI for those of us Windows Phone users strucked by the bug (and the lost stuff while we played the quest with a broken game and have it take away from us again) would really be appreciated.

I just found out the hard way that I and most likely everyone else also missed out on 16 greenies. The last 2 weekend codes and the 10 greenies from the dino gift.
I tried to enter them again but nothing happened. Thanks again for that. :mad:

I completely agree with everything. But under the carpet there's a lot more shit.

Some time ago I had Airport City installed on my pc. When in May 2015 an update that prevented the game from starting if a folder were not erased was published, I helped GI's support in everything they asked me. As a reward I received two codes with more than 700 banknotes, fuel and some 20,000 bonds. At that time I found a disproportionate appreciation, and I had a very nice impression of Game Insight and their support team.

In December 2015, my game (level 50) had another error that in any case it wasn't caused by me. I coudn't start it and for a while support said me that they were studying it, they gave me some code to restore the game but the game not admitted them. A few weeks later I had to contact support and had to re-explain them all the information that I had given to them before in the same ticket. It was exasperating but they always told me that the next update could restore the game. Finally, after more than three months, they said me that it was impossible to restore the game because they had erased it from their servers.
At that time they wanted to create a new game with all I remembered I had my airport. As I was very tired of them and I had a new cell phone, I asked a code to restore the banknotes I had bought with my money, the banknotes that they had given to me in May 2015 and a good amount of money to facilitate a quick start starting on my new game. By that I lost a lot of time and a lot of unique buildings and bonus, but wanted to move on. GI's answer was to restore all the banknotes I had bought.
That's what I call a waste of time (more than 3 months), a shit customer service and a lack of appreciation for its customers.

Right now I have the game damaged (the empty city virus) for the second time in the last two months due to serious programming problems of the game. One week ago I reported the problem and nobody knows when it will be fixed. Last time they took a whole month to fix the game.

I just don't understand how they always have so many problems. What kind of tests they do before launching an update? Anyway, I can forgive this. It's just a game. The worst thing is deal with technical support. You are days without knowing anything about them, and when they communicate with you they never understand anything and are always very proud.

GI seems to be a company that ignore its customers. I've seen companies that mistreat some customers to focus on those that give more money, but I've never seen a company that treats all customers as shit. If I hadn't spent money in the game, I would have given up.

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Looks like GI really doesn't care about Windows Phone anymore. First the update with the volcano event doesn't appear at all while everyone else got. Then the game breaking bug which reset a lot of our games. And when the the update finally arrived last friday 7 days already passed. So when we could finally start to play the event there were only 13 days left.
And when I finally got my game back a couple of minutes ago the whole quest got reset to 0 meaning everything I've done, collected and invested during the last couple of days is gone. And now there are only 9 days left to complete the whole event. Even less for those who haven't got there game fixed yet.

Some sort apology, recognition, gift or help from GI for those of us Windows Phone users strucked by the bug (and the lost stuff while we played the quest with a broken game and have it take away from us again) would really be appreciated.

I just found out the hard way that I and most likely everyone else also missed out on 16 greenies. The last 2 weekend codes and the 10 greenies from the dino gift.
I tried to enter them again but nothing happened. Thanks again for that. :mad:
Please open a ticket for that, you shoud get your greenies back.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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I agree with Bali. Was there an explosion? My town just has a larger volcano and more ash on the ground, some of which seems to be infused with lava. I would have liked to have seen the event.

Also, totally after the fact, I wish one of the volcanoes to fly to was Mount St. Helens, as it erupted here in the Pacific Northwest when I was 5 years old. I have one item that's made from its ash, and the mountain still lets off steam from time to time. Oh well.
Also, totally after the fact, I wish one of the volcanoes to fly to was Mount St. Helens, as it erupted here in the Pacific Northwest when I was 5 years old. I have one item that's made from its ash, and the mountain still lets off steam from time to time. Oh well.
I remember that! I lived in Carlsbad, California at the time - clear down at the bottom of the state, and we had ash on our cars from Mt. St. Helens!


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
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I think the ashes are getting more and more into the plane engines. The breakdowns are relentless! I probably had at least 10 breakdowns today. My greenies.....:cry:
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