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What Time of Day Do You Receive Your Post?

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
It’s not the paper that’s the problem, it’s the print itself. I’m not an expert but we have had an open fire here in France for a long time and now it’s no paper to start it. Just recycle.

Thank you very much for letting me know, I will stop the practice. Perhaps my neighbours budgerigard could make better use of it, in its cage.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
The post arrived nice and early this morning, found it on the doormat waiting for me, when I got up. The postman (sometimes postwomen) must have a busy afternoon planned, and wanted to deliver the morning's post. The delivery times can fluctuate from early in the morning to late in the evening. In the old days, first class post was at 08.30am(ish) and second class post was at 12.30pm(ish) - those were the days.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
As a treat to myself for being part of the Airport City members forum for almost 5 years I ordered a small selection of indoor house plants, which I'm very pleased to say arrived safely this morning. It has taken quite sometime to open the large parcel and remove all four plants, Spider plant, Prayer plant, Snake plant, Peace Lily plant. Although they arrived in tip top condition, I placed them outside and watered them and sprayed their leaves (pictures attached, pots not included).


Captain WH Rollins


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What is the story with first class and second class post - did people pay extra for it to arrive earlier in the day?

On the original question mine arrives when I need an excuse to go buy a coffee.

PS: I get the idea of priority post arriving day (s) quicker but not why would be different times during the day.

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
Haing received the first Christmas card early on in December they continue to arrive daily, but the frequency of them has increased. I will need to buy more Christms cards, and also New Year cards. A new pack of ink cartridge's will be needed soon.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
It is so much better to wake up in the morning and find the mornings post ready and waiting to be opened, rather than waiting, for it to be delivered. Sometimes this takes place early, and sometimes it takes place much later in the day. Delivery times can vary considerably across the entire day. I'm gradually moving over to post by email, rather than the physical post. This way it will reduce, fingers crossed, the chances of the post being lost, somewhere between there and here.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
Yesterday evening the days post arrived at 19.55pm UK time, this is now a new record. The previous record stood at 19.45pm UK time. Long gone are the days when first class post arrived at 8.30am (ish) and second class post arrived at 12.30pm (ish)..............those were the days............how times have changed.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
This mornings post arrived early,, which was pleasing, normally the post arrives late in the day, or sometimes early in the evening. First class post used to arrive about 08.30am and second class about 12.30pm , how things have changed,. Had the opportunity to have a long chat with the postman, who I had not seen in quite sometime. I offered him a coffee, which he accepted.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
The post has been delivered nice and early these past few days, I have also had the opportunity to chat with the postman over a early morning cup of tea and biscuits. He told me they are somewhat short staffed, due to Covid 19 - I thank him and his colleagues for all their hard work.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
The local postman has certainly upped his game and is delivering the post nice and early these past few weeks. The recent good weather may well have something to do with it. I'm very thankful, what ever the reason maybe.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
The postman looked very healthy, due to a long holiday in the UK country side. I had not seen him for quite awhile. Why travel abroad, when you can so easily holiday in your own country, I said to him. It is far less of a headache, in this current climate. There are so many advantages to holidaying in the UK, he agreed.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
While chatting with my long time postman today, I found out that he also has a paint and decorating business, I have booked him to paint my kitchen and the outside.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
Gone are the days when first class post was delivered around 08.30am and second class post around 12.30pm. Now it is anytime throughout the day or not at all.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
And i've heard that second class is changing and going to be sent twice or three times a week only from i think they said April
Yes, I have heard the same thing, no real surprise I must say. Instead of receiving post, I've switched to emails with attachments, far more reliable.

Captain WH Rollins
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