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Wednesday 17th April 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
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04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi everybody,
Thanks for the gifts!!!!

Updated sigs.
NOYA12 is still in need for 2x Cooling Chamber, who can and is willing to send these???
Gifts are going out in about an hour.
Thanx in advance
  1. Android
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PIE2 +item
tdv air canillas InCoNvEnIeNtE Bali Hi Long i have a question hoping one of you can help as need the answer soon i have just launched the prometheus rocket and i dont have enough points wanted to ask how i add people i have 1616 points and noore when i press the add friend to join it goes on the facebook bit with the post saying join and its says 24 hours in the cornwr does that been i have 24 hours to launch it dont want to lose all my points. Sorry but is my first launch ever dont know what im doing. Please help :(
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Dulcesakura just started a launch do u wamt to join i put 1616 points in its from the prom rocket
Thanks pienicki I would love too but I'm still not in spaceship program (don't have buildings):unsure: but maybe soon I'll build them ;) right now I'm just collecting the more spaceship collections I can (so far I've 26 launch items) but I will be more than happy to launch with you someday!! :D
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Dulcesakura ok thats fine. Yes one day will launch together :):)
Sure! (y)
(My space items so far :confused: : 1 Powerful Explosive bolt, 4 Main stabilizer, 2 Large fuel tank, 3 Solid fuel, 5 Explosive bolt, 8 Additional stabilizer, 3 Small fuel tank)
I think if you go to the thread "Houston! We are ready to take off" maybe they will help you more ;)
tdv air canillas InCoNvEnIeNtE Bali Hi Long i have a question hoping one of you can help as need the answer soon i have just launched the prometheus rocket and i dont have enough points wanted to ask how i add people i have 1616 points and noore when i press the add friend to join it goes on the facebook bit with the post saying join and its says 24 hours in the cornwr does that been i have 24 hours to launch it dont want to lose all my points. Sorry but is my first launch ever dont know what im doing. Please help :(

pienicki: there is a separate thread for the level 2 rocket launch: https://www.airportcitygame.com/index.php?threads/phantom-menace-prometheus-launches.2762/. You should check there and get with some other forum members to launch together.

The way it works is you have 24 hours to get 2000 points (for level 2 rocket and 1600 points for level 1 rocket) in order to actually launch the rocket and call it a success. If you do not reach 2000 points within 24 hours, you launch will fail and you will lose everything you put into that launch preparation (collections and points). So it is always good to launch together with several others, you help each other out in that way. You basically cannot add others, you have to wait for others (from your neighbor list) to join your launch. After you start a launch, your neighbors will see you have an in-process launch and they have the options to join yours or start their own.
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see my signature
see my signature
tdv air canillas InCoNvEnIeNtE Bali Hi Long i have a question hoping one of you can help as need the answer soon i have just launched the prometheus rocket and i dont have enough points wanted to ask how i add people i have 1616 points and noore when i press the add friend to join it goes on the facebook bit with the post saying join and its says 24 hours in the cornwr does that been i have 24 hours to launch it dont want to lose all my points. Sorry but is my first launch ever dont know what im doing. Please help :(

that is meaning less.... your count down counter on screen is the correct one... if the time runs out you loose all and have to start again...
  1. Android
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04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi all,

Thanx for the gifts i already received(y)
NOYA12 needs 1 Cooling Chamber, who can help??????
Thanx in advance
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