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Thursday 7th February 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Getting frustrated with those upgrades. It took 3 time to upgrade and nothing is different in the game except it changes the icon on my tablet. Anybody had that problem? What new in this valentine quest?
tdv Phantom

It appears they are setting Android up for the new Valentines event. They have removed the "Valentine" themed buildings from the shop, no longer in the Commercial area and not in the Residential area either. Any previously built Valentine buildings have been converted to Passenger buildings and their turn-over times changed as well.

Nice of them to "fix" the notification on the Social button that tells you there is "news" and now pops up the GI inter-fail, oops, i mean interface without clearing the "!" icon.
  1. Android
Event Horizon
@Note to all:
Especially those that have added me after January 13th, 2013. You will need to delete Event Horizon (if you have Event Horizon 2 thru Event Horizon 6, those are okay keep those) from your neighbor list. For some reason, Event Horizon reset. :mad::mad::mad:
Luckily, I kept a backup. However, the backup is a month old.
So, off the top of my head this will include pienicki Lebiegas olly 333 Joe jamesdclough suresh

I do have
Long Phantom InCoNvEnIeNtE HP- Cicignon hungyauming tdv Bali Hi One Bad Day I Fly 2 beerbrewer syapik Sophie vayka1 Rob W and Mr and Mrs T
  1. Android
Friend Code
I Fly 2
I now have one quarter of an update. I'm hoping the entire update will come through tonight and the Valentine's Challenge will begin tomorrow. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. My gifts reset late tonight. I will send one gift to someone I know doesn't do these challenges right when the gifts reset, but I plan on waiting until tomorrow morning to send the remainder of the gifts. If there is no update, I will send out my normal gifts, if there is an update I want to have the opportunity to send you items related to the Valentine's Challenge, of course only if you want them.

I Fly 2
  1. Android
Friend Code
Cici: [item needed]
Thanks a lot for the gifts! I've sent out another lot in return. This will be my last for a while though as I will be travelling for real. :cool:


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Not to that game please because I won't get it, just send me fuel or passengers please :)

Alrighty! I will add your other friend code so I can send you fuel/passengers. If it is not too much, can you send me one more ergonomic chair? That way I would have it complete. Thanks a bunch!:)
  1. Android
Friend Code
Lebiegas - I might need to add everybody again. It seems my game crashed. I was landing some planes a few minutes ago and the game crashed back to my desktop on my tablet. And then the icon turned into the generic Android robot icon. Rebooted a few times and nothing. Even tried downloading the game again, but again, nothing, it will not load. So frustrating as I was at level 36.


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Lebiegas - I might need to add everybody again. It seems my game crashed. I was landing some planes a few minutes ago and the game crashed back to my desktop on my tablet. And then the icon turned into the generic Android robot icon. Rebooted a few times and nothing. Even tried downloading the game again, but again, nothing, it will not load. So frustrating as I was at level 36.

Sorry to hear that. Does that mean you have to start from Level 1 again? I hope not!:eek:
  1. Android
Friend Code
Getting frustrated with those upgrades. It took 3 time to upgrade and nothing is different in the game except it changes the icon on my tablet. Anybody had that problem? What new in this valentine quest?
tdv Phantom
sorry quebec, i haven't updated the game yet .. and i think i ll wait a day or two to see what bugs GI prepared for us this time
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