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Launching progress for original (green) rocket

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  2. iPad
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Happy Helen
Help! I decided to join a neighbour's launch, since it had a bit less than seven hours to go, only to find they had put in zero points! So I have about 6 hrs 30 mins to complete it rather than 24 hours. Any help would be appreciated, easy 2nds and 3rds up for grabs. 816 points and counting.

I can understand your frustration, however I launched earlier today and joined onto the end of LAX, I did not see your launch, otherwise I would have
helped out. As you joined a neighbour's launch we would need to be their neighbour to join their launch, if this makes sense??

Also stranger still, I checked the forum before I launched to see if anyone required assistance??

Neil ellor

1300+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Captain tneil, 044gapqe
Captain tneil, Captain Ne2
Everyone seems hooked up with Jet fighters and Aztec stuff. But we can still launch started a GREEN launch 730 of 1600 in on my own. Anyone care to join Neilellor Captain tneil
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