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Daily Trading Thread for Sunday 28th October 2012

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Hi my friends..thanks a lot I did finish my last star..So the final numer is 147..Thanks to you guys and all your fuel help. I am done with the stars but I'll be sending gifts. You know about that. I also need to complete the Mexican collection. So those trips to Mexico need a lot of fuel...thanks in advance.
  1. Android
I need some major help here! I upgraded my repair base to level 4 about a month ago....got all the items I needed and was golden! However I had a glitch last night and now it has my repair base needing all the items for level 4 again!!!! And all the items I had for the. First time are gone! So I need 3 ampermeters, 3 Hull parts and 3 lining plates! I can't even repair a plane while waiting :( help!
  1. Android
Hi folks,

I could really do with 2 Ergonomic Chairs to complete my Control tower.

Please see sig for other building parts I need, still trying to catch up!

Will send mine about 10.00pm UK time.

Hope your weekend was good.
zenmie: thanks for the Navigation Module, sent you Oscillating Beacon.
two6: sent you Amperemeter.
stevel2606: sent you Goal Posts.
Phantom: sent you Flight Catering.
CK-Airport: sent you White Gold Bracelet.
gcjr: sent you Deicer.
hungyauming: sent you Fuel Hose.
Monica: sent you a gift.
Andrew-YYZ: sent you Amperemeter.
Sophie: accepted your new ID request, sent you Powerful Radio Transmitter (to your new ID).
Bali Hi: thanks for the Ergonomic Chair, sent you Deicer. Appreciate if you can send Ergonomic Chair
again tomorrow.
Québec: sent you Spare Wire.
perezgreg: there are 2 PG's on my neighbor list, hope I have the right one, sent you Flight Catering.

ChristiaanD: added you, please accept.

Still need Ergonomic Chairs if anybody can help, thanks!
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