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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Building Materials


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
Friend Code
R - 23htlbyo, R2new - 23v25z9b
R (what I need)
Only for Windows Phone users !!! (Updated 4 May 2016 14:45 CET)

Please do not be afraid to complement and improve.

Terminal lvl.7:
Arch Metal Detector - @KingKong (send back only)
Beverage Cooler - @suckerp (send back only)
Parking Meter -
Wall Speaker - @Joe7 (send back only)

Terminal lvl.8:
Arcade Machine - @lacey (send back only), @JaxJaguars (send back only)
Router - @Raf (send back only), @Joe7 (send back only), @suckerp, @Daenerys (send back only)
Smart Glass - @Dockie
X-ray Scanner - @elphaba, @KingKong (send back only), @Jake (send back only), @Laosge

Terminal lvl.9
Turnstile - @lacey, @Faith1984 (send back only), @KingKong (send back only)
Floor Washer - @Joe7 (send back only)
Information Sign - @Raf (send back only), @suckerp (send back only), @Dockie (send back only), @Kesh (send back only), @elphaba (send back only), @Laosge (send back only)
Patrol Drone - @Daenerys, @JaxJaguars, @Jake (send back only), @Aga007 (send back only)

Terminal lvl.10:
Currency Detector - @Faith1984 (send back only), @KingKong
Document Detector - @Jake
Explosives Detector - @Joe7
Lie Detector - @Kesh, @suckerp (send back only), @Raf (send back only)


Town Hall lvl.7:
Fax - @suckerp (send back only)
Laptop - @Laosge (send back only), @KingKong (send back only)
Mayor's Portrait -
Office Chair - @Faith1984

Town Hall lvl.8:
Podium - @KingKong (send back only), @Jake (send back only), @Laosge
VOIP Phone - @Raf (send back only), @Joe7, @suckerp
Intercom - @JaxJaguars (send back only), @lacey
Holographic Display - @Ispmark (send back only), @Dockie

Town Hall lvl.9:
Postal Drone - @JaxJaguars (send back only), @Jake (send back only), --- Not from the forum: S.B.
3D Printer - @Kesh, @Raf (send back only)
Hand Dryer - @Joe7 (send back only), @Samzon (send back only), --- Not from the forum: #MAv, B787
Energy Saving Lamp - @Ispmark (send back only), @KingKong

Town Hall lvl.10:
Laminator - --- Not from the forum: Thomas
Flatbed Scanner - @KingKong, @Ispmark, @Faith1984, @Faith1984, @Ispmark as Marko1 (send back only), --- Not from the forum: _Игорь
Paper Cutter - @JaxJaguars, @Jake, @RavenENTP (send back only)
Stitcher - @Raf, @suckerp, @Kesh (send back only), @Laosge (send back only)


Control Tower lvl.7:
Airline Route Map -
Headset - @Faith1984 (send back only)
Monitor - @suckerp (send back only)
Walkie-talkie - @KingKong (send back only), @Laosge (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.8:
Demodulator - @Raf (send back only), @Joe7 (send back only), @suckerp
Stabilized Binoculars -
Laser Rangefinder - @Jake (send back only), @KingKong (send back only), @Laosge
Fingerprint Reader - @Faith1984, @JaxJaguars (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.9
Coffee Machine - @Raf (send back only), @Kesh (send back only) , @suckerp (send back only)
Infrared Camera - @Ispmark (send back only), @KingKong (send back only), @ChrisDrax (send back only)
Motion Sensor - @JaxJaguars, @Jake (send back only), RavenENTP (send back only)
Observation Drone - @Joe7

Control Tower lvl.10:
Drawing Board - @Joe7 (send back only), @Samzon (send back only)
Protractor - @Jake, @Daenerys (send back only), @RavenENTP (send back only), --- Not from the forum: S.B. (send back only)
T-square - @Raf, @lacey (send back only), @Kesh (send back only), @Laosge (send back only)
Technical Pen - @Ispmark, @KingKong, --- Not from the forum: _Игорь


Repair Base (Level 6)
Calibration Module
Hardness Tester - @Ispmark
Pneumatic Cutter - @Jake
Riveter - @suckerp


Sweets Factory
Glazing Machine - @Laosge, @Jake
Crucible -
Tunnel Freezer - @KingKong, @Raf, @Samzon, @Joe7, @Faith1984
Screw Press - @lacey, @suckerp


Reserve Hangar (Level 1)
Protective Cover - @suckerp
Wheel Block - @Raf (send back only), @KingKong, @Laosge, @Kesh (send back only)

Reserve Hangar (Level 2)
Fluorescent Lamp - @Daenerys, @Samzon (send back only)
Loader - @Kesh (send back only)
Safety Cone - @Raf (send back only)

Reserve Hangar (Level 3)
Exit Sign - @Kesh (send back only), @KingKong
Fire Extinguisher - @Raf, --- Not from the forum: _Игорь
Machine Oil - @suckerp, @Daenerys, @Samzon, @Jake
Last edited:


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
Friend Code
Only for Windows Phone users !!!

Please do not be afraid to complement and improve.

Terminal lvl.8
Arcade Machine - @lacey (send back only), @JaxJaguars (send back only)
Router - @Raf (send back only), @Joe7, @suckerp
Smart Glass
X-ray Scanner - @elphaba, @KingKong, @Jake (send back only)

Town Hall lvl.8:
Podium - @KingKong, @Jake
VOIP Phone - @Raf, @Joe7, @suckerp
Intercom - @JaxJaguars (send back only)
Holographic Display - @Ispmark (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.8:
Demodulator - @Raf (send back only), @Joe7
Stabilized Binoculars
Laser Rangefinder - @Jake
Fingerprint Reader - @Faith1984, @JaxJaguars (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.9
Coffee Machine - @Raf, @Kesh, @suckerp (send back only)
Infrared Camera - @Ispmark (send back only), @KingKong
Motion Sensor - @JaxJaguars, @Jake (send back only)
Observation Drone - @Joe7 (send back only)

Terminal lvl.9
Turnstile - @lacey
Floor Washer
Information Sign - @Raf, @suckerp (send back only)
Patrol Drone - @Daenerys, @JaxJaguars, @Jake

Town Hall lvl.9:
Postal Drone - @JaxJaguars
3D Printer - @Kesh
Hand Dryer - @Joe7 (send back only)
Energy Saving Lamp - @Ispmark

Terminal lvl.10:
Currency Detector - @Faith1984
Document Detector
Explosives Detector
Lie Detector - @Kesh, @suckerp (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.10:
Drawing Board
T-square - @Raf (send back only)
Technical Pen - @Ispmark

Town Hall lvl.10:
Flatbed Scanner
Paper Cutter


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
Friend Code
I used to have router as well.
But I try to build CT 7, and nobody has air line route map.
Stuck with endless chasing for Tokyo. Boring...


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
Friend Code
R - 23htlbyo, R2new - 23v25z9b
R (what I need)
I used to have router as well.
But I try to build CT 7, and nobody has air line route map.
Stuck with endless chasing for Tokyo. Boring...
My list was change few weeks ago after game reset. I don't now what I can send back from level 7 :(
But it's easy to discover :)
Please send me something from CT LV7. I will send it back.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Can i send a laptop to someone and then return it to me? just one left;)

I got a bonus that was spetacular, 200% money from your $ buildings, but only for 3 hours:(
It´s normal we don´t have missions, like the one from Brazil (stadium) for so long time? it just get bored....


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
Friend Code
Can i send a laptop to someone and then return it to me? just one left;)

I got a bonus that was spetacular, 200% money from your $ buildings, but only for 3 hours:(
It´s normal we don´t have missions, like the one from Brazil (stadium) for so long time? it just get bored....
I used to have laptop, so I can return one to you if you send it to me.
To answer your question, no it is unusual to not have any quests for this long. I believe it is all associated with the large update that is supposed to be coming to us soon.
  1. Android
Friend Code
I used to have laptop, so I can return one to you if you send it to me.
To answer your question, no it is unusual to not have any quests for this long. I believe it is all associated with the large update that is supposed to be coming to us soon.
Thank you Jake. I will send laptop;)
And thanks for information to.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows Mobile
Friend Code
Joe7 (what I need)
Only for Windows Phone users !!!

Please do not be afraid to complement and improve.

Terminal lvl.8
Arcade Machine - @lacey (send back only), @JaxJaguars (send back only)
Router - @Raf (send back only), @Joe7 (send back only), @suckerp
Smart Glass
X-ray Scanner - @elphaba, @KingKong, @Jake (send back only)

Town Hall lvl.8:
Podium - @KingKong, @Jake
VOIP Phone - @Raf, @Joe7, @suckerp
Intercom - @JaxJaguars (send back only)
Holographic Display - @Ispmark (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.8:
Demodulator - @Raf (send back only), @Joe7,( send back only)
Stabilized Binoculars
Laser Rangefinder - @Jake
Fingerprint Reader - @Faith1984, @JaxJaguars (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.9
Coffee Machine - @Raf, @Kesh, @suckerp (send back only)
Infrared Camera - @Ispmark (send back only), @KingKong
Motion Sensor - @JaxJaguars, @Jake (send back only)
Observation Drone - @Joe7

Terminal lvl.9
Turnstile - @lacey
Floor Washer-@Joe7
Information Sign - @Raf, @suckerp (send back only)
Patrol Drone - @Daenerys, @JaxJaguars, @Jake

Town Hall lvl.9:
Postal Drone - @JaxJaguars
3D Printer - @Kesh
Hand Dryer - @Joe7 (send back only)
Energy Saving Lamp - @Ispmark

Terminal lvl.10:
Currency Detector - @Faith1984
Document Detector
Explosives Detector
Lie Detector - @Kesh, @suckerp (send back only)

Control Tower lvl.10:
Drawing Board
T-square - @Raf (send back only)
Technical Pen - @Ispmark

Town Hall lvl.10:
Flatbed Scanner
Paper Cutter
Last edited:
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