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Android Daily Trade Thread for Saturday 25th August 2012

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To try and make the trading experience as easy as possible, we have now moved onto having a daily trading thread.

Please post the following details below:

Friend Code
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
Thank you Bali for your cash counter! I'll try sending the items you need as soon as possible!! Lots of Thx~

Thank you BaliHi for your Hull Parts!! Please do visit my airport more often and tell me anytime the items you need, so I can send you the right ones as soon as possible ;)

Vangees, Thank you for your Textbook! I know there's quite a lot of items I am requesting ;)
Please feel free to visit my airport everyday to get the daily stuff you need. If there is any items I can help sending back, please let my know by posting it here or send me the item directly. Once again, you helped me lots, thx! :)


Username: Dream Airways
Friend Code: 5uk1cg

Items Requesting:
4 Do not disturb sign (Hotel)
4 Bath Towel (Hotel)
4 All-Inclusive Bracelet (Hotel)
2 White Board (Repair Base Lv 4)
1 Cash Counter (Terminal Lv 4)
2 Server Rack (Terminal Lv 4)
1 Amperemeter (Repair Base Lv4)
2 Wide Angle Binoculars (Control Tower Lv3)
2 Weather Display (Control Tower Lv3)
1 Textbook (Control Tower Lv3)

Items I Can Send:
ATM , POS Terminal, Fuel (3 units), Chocolate candies, Eau de Toilette, Make up, Do not disturb sign, Cockpit glass, Welder, Album, Landing lamp, Projector, Passengers (10), Powerful Radio Transmitter, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, White Board, Fuel Addictives, Drill Machine, Additional Rador, Cash Counter, Spare wire, Lining plate, Landing gear, Flight Catering, Oscillating Beacon, Defroster, Navigation module, Master plan, Fuel hose, Gyroscope, Spare propeller, Deicer
Thanks for everyones help... Now it's time to upgarde to :

Repair Base Level 5:
TV Screens
Grinding Machines
Air Vent Filters
Controller/Control Units

Any help is greatly appreciated...

Go All Blacks...
User: Panda Prince
Friend Code: a5m6eye
Level 8
Item i can send: I don't know yet.. i haven't sent anything yet.
Item i need:
Items for the Hotel
-Do not disturb sign: 2
-Bath Towel:4
-Disposable Shampoo:4

Could anyone please send them? i wasted my money buying the hotel not knowing i can't build it yet.

I'll try to send anything i can. (or rather, return stuff you give)
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi can anyone help with the below please?

The All-inclusive bracelet is no longer in people's gift list, so I think you have to use Green Cash for those... Can anyone confirm?

Need a bunch of stuff for upgrades - please check my signature. Will be gifting later!
  1. Android
Friend Code
Question, for my level 6 Terminal I have all items now, except 'Air Con' which is listed in the 'Items needed to upgrade your buildings' topic. This is not the same as 'Air Conditioner' right?? :D I have never had a plane dropping air con and don't see it in any trade lists either :(
added some neighbours and sent some gifts today... hope it helps.

username: djulskie
friend code: a36zruq

items required:
disposable shampoo (2), all-inclusive bracelet (4), travel guide (4), tour review (1), great shots (3), album (1), shredder (1), stamp (1), cash counter (1), atm (1), imprinter (1)

items i can return:
anti-theft gate, fuel (3unit), chocolate candies, cognac, white gold bracelet, bath towel, air conditioner, cockpit glass, welder, album, landing lamp, projector, passenger (10), powerful radio transmitter, fuel supply, jet engine, whiteboard, fuel additives, drill machine, additional radar, amperemeter, spare wire, laser cutter, landing gear, flight catering, oscillating beaco

welcoming anyone needs to exchange items.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
am60bbq(android) bubbajed(ipad)
COACHO*item needed*& bubbajed(ipad)
Also need wide angle binoculars and a weather display if anyone can help.
thanks to everyone for the gifts so far!!
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