Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Welcome TeresaLisboa to Airport City Game!


Airport City Captain
Hello @TeresaLisboa and thank you for joining Airport City Game!

We hope you have an enjoyable time on this site, here's a few hints to help get you started!

Looking to swap gifts and gain new neighbours?
The easiest way to do this is to post the in the Daily Trade Thread for the device you play on. You can find this section on the front page of the forum, but here are few links.

Android & iOS Daily Trade Thread

Windows Mobile Weekly Trade Thread

Windows PC Weekly Trade Thread

Amazon Kindle Trade Thread

Space Launches
We have a very active Space Launch community on the forum. Whether your looking for neighbours to take part in a Green, Blue or Red Space launch, make sure you check out the forum below! Simply see if there is an active Space launch, or start your own for people to join in with!

If you have any questions, please feel free to as!

Dave & The Team
Airport City Game
Hello all!
I've joined this forum last year, but this is my very first post here!
I'm not sure how this works, but I hope I'll understand it soon
I'm an iOS player, level 59, with 152 stars, my airport is LX Air2
I play daily and made a promise to myself not to put real money into the game
So my progress is rather low, but challenging

I've finished some previous quests, and at the moment I'm trying to finish the mailmen quest, but it has been rather hard: I didn't receive any knifes as gifts from neighbors, and the drop rate at neighbors' AirPorts have been rather low, about 10 drops out of 60 clicks...
I'm still missing one letter from the first collection, and 3 rubber stamps along with another item (trotinete in PT-PT) from the second one...

Anyway, I'm looking for an alliance to get in
I know I can accomplish one weekly mission...
Where should I look for alliances? What's the best thread for this?
Hello all!
I've joined this forum last year, but this is my very first post here!
I'm not sure how this works, but I hope I'll understand it soon
I'm an iOS player, level 59, with 152 stars, my airport is LX Air2
I play daily and made a promise to myself not to put real money into the game
So my progress is rather low, but challenging

I've finished some previous quests, and at the moment I'm trying to finish the mailmen quest, but it has been rather hard: I didn't receive any knifes as gifts from neighbors, and the drop rate at neighbors' AirPorts have been rather low, about 10 drops out of 60 clicks...
I'm still missing one letter from the first collection, and 3 rubber stamps along with another item (trotinete in PT-PT) from the second one...

Anyway, I'm looking for an alliance to get in
I know I can accomplish one weekly mission...
Where should I look for alliances? What's the best thread for this?
Hi Teresa, are you fixed up in an Alliance yet? Angie2, a new Alliance formed last week, now with two members, requires two more. If you are interested, you would be expected to carry at least 25,000 passengers per week and complete at least one task in the Weekly Alliance Mission. My game level is 72, the other member is at level 54. Today, so far, the two of us have carried 8244 passengers - a good start to the week! I look forward to your reply.

Happy flying,

Hi Angie!
Thanks for replying!
However, I had another invitation last week, that I accepted
Let's see how it works
Have fun and a lot of good flights
Hi Teresa, thought you had not received my post so sent again this morning. Thank you for replying. Pleased you are now fixed up in an Alliance. With all good wishes: happy flying!
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