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We can now see text wise who visited our airport and collected???

  1. Android
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c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Am I crazy or have others noticed this as well? I was collecting my little policemen as I call them and I swear it was telling me who the neighbor was that visited my airport and collected that item. Has anyone else noticed this happening or am I crazy? Assuming this is something new...
  1. Android
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mooer/item I need
Oh man, I've been making use of the new feature, where it tells you an account is inactive when you visit, to clear up my neighbours list. However the new text feature told me one of the people I just deleted has visited me today! Well that's hardly an inactive account is it! I feel bad now :(
  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
I don't see where it tells you if an account is inactive. Can someone please explain? Thanks!
I reported these features in the BACK ONLINE THREAD.
Sophie the inactive account feature only works when you try visiting neighbours and if one has been inactive for an unpsecified time a message will pop up with a button to try to awaken them.
So it really is a reactive feature not an active one that you can use to filter sleeping accounts.
  1. Android
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Sophie-Item needed
I reported these features in the BACK ONLINE THREAD.
Sophie the inactive account feature only works when you try visiting neighbours and if one has been inactive for an unpsecified time a message will pop up with a button to try to awaken them.
So it really is a reactive feature not an active one that you can use to filter sleeping accounts.

Thanks so much!
  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
I have the message letting me know that they are inactive but not telling me who visited me. How can we see that?
One the main map when you tap a building to collect the bonus from someone who has vistied you eg. balloon with a photo or the "policeman" you will see the coin/oil drum/suitcase jump out.
When it converts to your total is goes to text eg. +1 Fuel there will also be text saying who it is from. You wil only get this text, and it is quite lengthy after you collect.
  1. Android
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MG (What I Need)
I have also used the inactive user feature when I visit my neighbours to delete any that are showing as inactive. I have done this on the understanding that if they are inactive, I am unlikely to get any gifts returned and therefore should not send them any.
If my understanding of "inactive" is incorrect I have just deleted a whole lot of neighbours that I should not have.
  1. Android
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BrkTwn+(what I need)
...I have just deleted a whole lot of neighbours that I should not have.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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I wonder what the game considers to be the time frame for a person to become inactive. I mean, what if you go away on a long weekend and come back to the game, only to find out half your neighbours deleted you for being inactive?


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
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zen_(items I need)
Now I know why some of my neighbours were gone, they just deleted me....
Has anyone else still the "visting-problem"? I still cannot visit any of my neighbours
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