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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Version 6.31 or 7.0 beta

  1. Android
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Yee Kai
Got it thanks!I have account in each version but beta version lvl is much higher than old version that's why I ask this question
Got it thanks!I have account in each version but beta version lvl is much higher than old version that's why I ask this question
If I were you I'd invest a lot on v6 because it will be upgraded to v7 in 12 days or so time. The v7 you are playing now is only for test, bug fixes, etc purposes (hence the word beta) and it will be discontinued.
I'm enjoying the beta version. Don't have enough stuff to hit the 100 item limit except fuel, so I don't have that irritation, plus it's really easy so far to get ranking on launches. I got 2 QLs last week, will probably get at least 1 maybe 2 more this week. But 75% of my neighbors have quit, so gifts are rare. :( Main point is, I feel like I'm getting used to V7 so it won't be such a shock come mid-August.
I'm enjoying the beta version. Don't have enough stuff to hit the 100 item limit except fuel, so I don't have that irritation, plus it's really easy so far to get ranking on launches. I got 2 QLs last week, will probably get at least 1 maybe 2 more this week. But 75% of my neighbors have quit, so gifts are rare. :( Main point is, I feel like I'm getting used to V7 so it won't be such a shock come mid-August.

I feel that V7 is more of a face lift than major game change to those who already have the limit. I like the look and feel of the game. I don't think it will be as much of a big change (other than those who did not have the 100 limit) as some think it will be......


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I like the concept of 2 runways, this is more realistic like 5+ runways. And you can upgrade them in-place.
Currently, I have one runway and it is really hard to upgrade it because you need a land where to put another runway (temporarily) during "upgrade"
I'm enjoying the beta version. Don't have enough stuff to hit the 100 item limit except fuel, so I don't have that irritation, plus it's really easy so far to get ranking on launches. I got 2 QLs last week, will probably get at least 1 maybe 2 more this week. But 75% of my neighbors have quit, so gifts are rare. :( Main point is, I feel like I'm getting used to V7 so it won't be such a shock come mid-August.
You love the game now or v7 or v8 and 9 you cannot leave it even if the limit 50 ;)
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