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Some advice for new players in the Rock The Sky event

1) Use your ad videos to supplement gifts from neighbors to upgrade your main stage as fast as possible. You can use 10 per day on this with a 5 minute wait between them.

2) Once you've upgraded your main stage the 1st time, you can visit neighbors' tents and collect whistles. Here you can again use ad videos to collect a 6th item at each neighbor.

3) If your goal is to 3-star the event flights, once you get 500 drumsticks buy a Spyglass in the event store. This will increase the drop rate of bag tags from guest planes. Grind your guest planes, landing all of them for a couple hours and you will get 100 bag tags. Repeat as necessary. You'll also get a lot of coins and repair items from guest plane drops while you're at it.

4) If your goal is to get the buildings in the event store, you won't want to use your drumsticks on Spyglass, so here's what you can do instead. First, put Bagtag at the end of your username in game. Then click on the event icon and then click on the gold trophy. In this Standings list, you can visit every single person on the list (my list currently has 294 people on it). Each one you visit, there is a button to request adding them as a neighbor. Each one that accepts gets you 200 coins, and you know these neighbors are active in the same event as you so chances of an event gift are pretty good. You can have up to 500 neighbors, so when you move up a league, do it again :)

Note: many people on this forum are against adding non-forum neighbors because the chances of having your space flights hijacked increase, but I've only had 2 hijacked in the past year of doing them daily and it wasn't a huge deal, so I think the benefits of having 500 neighbors including more gifts and more space buddies outweigh that negative.
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1) Use your ad videos to supplement gifts from neighbors to upgrade your main stage as fast as possible. You can use 10 per day on this with a 5 minute wait between them.

2) Once you've upgraded your main stage the 1st time, you can visit neighbors' tents and collect whistles. Here you can again use ad videos to collect a 6th item at each neighbor.

3) If your goal is to 3-star the event flights, once you get 500 drumsticks buy a Spyglass in the event store. This will increase the drop rate of bag tags from guest planes. Grind your guest planes, landing all of them for a couple hours and you will get 100 bag tags. Repeat as necessary. You'll also get a lot of coins and repair items from guest plane drops while you're at it.

4) If your goal is to get the buildings in the event store, you won't want to use your drumsticks on Spyglass, so here's what you can do instead. First, put Bagtag at the end of your username in game. Then click on the event icon and then click on the gold trophy. In this Standings list, you can visit every single person on the list (my list currently has 294 people on it). Each one you visit, there is a button to request adding them as a neighbor. Each one that accepts gets you 200 coins, and you know these neighbors are active in the same event as you so chances of an event gift are pretty good. You can have up to 500 neighbors, so when you move up a league, do it again :)

Note: many people on this forum are against adding non-forum neighbors because the chances of having your space flights hijacked increase, but I've only had 2 hijacked in the past year of doing them daily and it wasn't a huge deal, so I think the benefits of having 500 neighbors including more gifts and more space buddies outweigh that negative.
Thanks for posting its a good advice. (y)

Captain Goren Fox

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Steve F.
Once you are done fully upgrading your stage, you can start using your daily allotment of videos to get free whistles instead of stage parts. Since you need to complete “does it come in black” five times, and given the “very seldom” drop rate from tents for these items, you will probably need more whistles than you can get in a day visiting neighbors. (12 neighbors x 6 tents = 72 possible whistles, but only about half the tents will give you a whistle)
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btw I'm wonderring, will you get any item from clicking neighbors' stage3 to complete the quest? because the loading is 30 mins, and each day we can only click 48 times, iff we play 24 hours.
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