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iPad Daily Trading Thread for December (Part 1)

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Helen Elizabeth

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Happy Helen
I just sent you a neighbor request. Once you accept me I will be happy to send you a spare propeller. I need spare propellers too.
I Fly
Thank you, I have tried to add you and others but I keep getting message

Promo code not valid

Will keep trying, thanks for all your patience!

Helen Elizabeth

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Happy Helen
Welcome Happy Helen!
I also tried adding you, but I was unable. Please try adding me. Also, what items do you need?

I Fly
Thanks, I am happy to get anything in general, beacon, food , I can't add anyone, message comes up
as promo code not valid.
I will keep trying!

Thanks all
  1. iPad
Happy Helen you will need to let us know your friend code. It's slightly different on Android. Ipad owners just have usernames (literyally!!) but with the Android players you need to use your friend code. Please add me or let us have your friend code and I'll try and add you. ;)

Helen Elizabeth

Active Member
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Happy Helen
Happy Helen you will need to let us know your friend code. It's slightly different on Android. Ipad owners just have usernames (literyally!!) but with the Android players you need to use your friend code. Please add me or let us have your friend code and I'll try and add you. ;)

I will try to add you, I am on iPad, sorry it shows as android.
  1. iPad
Happy Helen you will need to let us know your friend code. It's slightly different on Android. Ipad owners just have usernames (literyally!!) but with the Android players you need to use your friend code. Please add me or let us have your friend code and I'll try and add you. ;)

Happy Helen, when you invited me, the name Benjamin ??something?? Came up. That is what the others will need to know to add you. Do you know what the second part was? It may well be that you have already used up all your 5 friends requests available today. I think the error codes have possibly got screwed up, along with everything else. Sorry I didn't note the full name down, but was not even sure who it was :(


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Thank you. I have a load of username requests so will wait till I get names before i accept or delete. Have not seen any real names apart from the usual few for days now. Frustrating.
Dee140157 - Have checked all weekend for you - nothing has appeared. Noticed that the number of Usernames in my Add or waiting list has been zero all weekend. And I'm down to just 2 Usernames in my neighbors list which number 30 at the moment. I'm going to watch for you - Bill
  1. iPad
@waverly huff
I know you are well ahead of me in terms of flights and fulfilling three stars to all destinations. How much more do you have before you will have three stars to all destinations? What are your plans after that? The reason I'm asking is I'm getting close to finishing my flights. I still plan on sticking with the game, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this topic. I love the challenges!

I Fly


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
@waverly huff
I know you are well ahead of me in terms of flights and fulfilling three stars to all destinations. How much more do you have before you will have three stars to all destinations? What are your plans after that? The reason I'm asking is I'm getting close to finishing my flights. I still plan on sticking with the game, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this topic. I love the challenges!

I Fly
I Fly,
Right now I have 141 stars, which is fewer than your 146. Nepal needs 24 more flights, Delhi needs 41, Amsterdam needs 58 and Hong Kong needs 68. Since I don't get a lot of Spare Propellers as gifts I have to spend time flying to Shanghai hoping they drop. In addition, sine I finished the Santa's Bad Day challenge (I wish GI would make the challenge rules clearer), I can only get Continent Gifts from the occasional and random drops from my Christmas Gift Shops. I did spend a little real money this past weekend during the 3-for-1 sale so I could buy Santa's Chest to get 20 Star Dusts and get my three stars for the Lapland flights. I figure it will take me a few months to finish all these flights ... and by then I'm hoping GI will up the maximum level and add more destinations.
Tom (Waverly huff)
  1. iPad
I Fly,
Right now I have 141 stars, which is fewer than your 146. Nepal needs 24 more flights, Delhi needs 41, Amsterdam needs 58 and Hong Kong needs 68. Since I don't get a lot of Spare Propellers as gifts I have to spend time flying to Shanghai hoping they drop. In addition, sine I finished the Santa's Bad Day challenge (I wish GI would make the challenge rules clearer), I can only get Continent Gifts from the occasional and random drops from my Christmas Gift Shops. I did spend a little real money this past weekend during the 3-for-1 sale so I could buy Santa's Chest to get 20 Star Dusts and get my three stars for the Lapland flights. I figure it will take me a few months to finish all these flights ... and by then I'm hoping GI will up the maximum level and add more destinations.
Tom (Waverly huff)

My stars went up very recently only because of the Christmas Challenge. I have all eight Jumbos flying to my last four destinations. Berlin about 25 flights left, Mexico City 60 flights left, Amsterdam, 60 flights left and Tokyo, also 60 flights left. I have enough beacons, and Navigation Modules for the flights I need and am short about 20 Propellers to complete Amsterdam and Tokyo. I'm slowing down just to stretch things out until the next challenge. I really wish we could exchange gifts.

Thanks for keeping me up to date on your flights.

I Fly
  1. iPad
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  2. iPad
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Vangees (iPad) Gifts-Send2iPad (Android)
Vangees: Got it... but I can't visit.... wrong version message.
Yup you won't be able to visit because I'm on a version that hadn't introduced visiting yet. So I'll only be able to send you gifts. Please make sure not to send mission items to me because I won't be able to receive them or send them. Thanks!
  1. iPad
Vind airport
Status of today's visits: 8 old lanterns in 25 attempts.
Status of use of these: 1 star dust!
I also got some other "crap", allowing me to obtain the 9th jet sleigh - as if I can use them when I'm only able to keep one of them flying once in a while (only real benefit is the 50 oil).
Conclusion: I'm really fed up with these low drop rates - it's simply impossible to finish ice rinks etc. without spending greens, and I have done too much of this!
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