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I see that there are gifts from neighbors, but they do not appear .... Help me!


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
Friend Code
R - 23htlbyo, R2new - 23v25z9b
R (what I need)
I see that there are gifts from neighbors, but they do not appear ....
Help me!

The similar problem for me. Three or four times today (WP after update), I see that there are gifts from neighbors, but they do not appear. The same network, few minutes later gifts work fine.


800+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
pm me to be added
try typing your friend code, into add friend, it works
i tried and nothing changed :(
I've heard about "gifts are passing thorough with a time", well it's about 3 days of "delay" for me now.

The weirdest thing now is that suddenly I found my friend code has been changed from Windows8/10 type like "w8xxxxx" to Windows Phone type like wfxxxxxx. I've no idea if it's a GI's plan for platforms merging or my gift-receiving is just ruined forever.
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