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Gift list changed????

I have started a couple of support games for my main game and one of the games initially had the fuel20 gift in it. As I progressed to level 10 to finally use this gift, it changed to a passenger10 gift!!!

WTF, I am soooooo sick of GI's endless glitches and bugs, I am thinking of just quitting cold turkey. Has anyone else had there gift list change like this in the middle of the game playing?:mad::banghead::mad:

P.S. I originally posted this is the wrong forum. Administrator, please delete this from the news forum.
Yes, that is correct. Until I reached level 10, I was visiting neighbors and sending gifts daily - usually the fuel catalyst gift. I finally hit level 10 this morning and the fuel20 gift has now changed to passenger10. I am extremely ticked!!! I have never heard of this happening. My understanding was that once your initial gift list started, you either got the fuel20 or passenger10 gift, but not both, and once it was set, it didn't change.
  1. None of the above
I did post in another thread that our initial gift list can still be changed. The first time we visited a neighbour or closed-and-started the game, our gift list would change and become a permanent one. Sending gifts won't trigger this event though.

However if you have visited neighbours or closed and started the game prior to level 10 and it changed, then i was wrong in that other thread and now i can't explain it either hehe.. but then i am on android though so it might be different from ios experience.

Happy Helen : is happy helen2 on ios or android?
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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Happy Helen
I did post in another thread that our initial gift list can still be changed. The first time we visited a neighbour or closed-and-started the game, our gift list would change and become a permanent one. Sending gifts won't trigger this event though.

However if you have visited neighbours or closed and started the game prior to level 10 and it changed, then i was wrong in that other thread and now i can't explain it either hehe.. but then i am on android though so it might be different from ios experience.

Happy Helen : is happy helen2 on ios or android?
Ok, I believe HH2 is android, phone game
Benjamin Thomas is iPad, so iOS
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