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  • Eric,
    I’m not quitting totally because I still have hope they will come to their senses and make the game challenging again. Plus I have a ton of time and not a little real money invested. If things change and they make substantial improvements for us old-timers, please let me know either through conversation or directly email me at tgreensmith@gmail.com.
    I totally agree with you Tom. The game is just not that fun anymore. I’ll stay in touch buddy, especially if anything changes in the game for the better.
    I’m not playing the game for a while. I have no motivation to continue because they won’t raise the top level past 80, because I already have over 100 of most of the “rewards” and it’s getting to be more work than it is fun.
    Tom Greensmith
    May I be your neighbor. I just want to visit your planetariums every day. Friend code is 20r1jac7z Thanks. Pilot 1
    Eric it’s been quite awhile since we were on a launch together. I think I’m missing one of your support games. Hope all is well with you!!! Bill
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    Reactions: LAX
    It has been a long time buddy!!! I will check which game and send you a request. Everything is going great - hopefully with you too!!
    Eric I’m looking to get a dozen more Blue Launches. Then get a QL Are you going to launch a Blue later today. If so I’ll look for you. Bill
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    Reactions: LAX
    how do i add LAX-3 to my ipad game (friend code = sportychub) cos need some tesla lightning rods...? i tried adding LAX-3 but doesnt seem to work...thanks...
    i will try sending you an invite later today when I get home.
    sent u a fren request..pls accept...thanks...
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    Reactions: LAX
    I inadvertently deleted your request on my main game, please resend me and I will gladly accept!
    Hi, I send neighbord request, please accept this
    No problem, but what is your game username? I haven't seen anything resembling your forum name.
    Sogut Ormani is my username but I think accidentaly deleted request. I send again now.
    Hello LAX,
    My minime game lost all neighbors and GI support said they cannot restore friends list.
    Would you please add minime (code: 040ghx0q )
    to your games?
    Thanks in advance.
    Jay J
    Jay J
    Thanks LAX :)
    Please send me requests to add my game LAX Windows game. This game has replaced my TMP-STP which can be deleted. I don't have either of your codes or I would send you requests. Thanks.
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    Reactions: Jay J
    Jay J
    Jay J
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    Reactions: LAX
    I was wondering if you could help out with protractors since you have it on items you can send. Would you like something specific for one of your accounts or prefer red fuel?
    Fuel is fine - thanks
    Stacey anne
    So you know I'm good on protractors! Thank you so much for the help!
    I was wondering if you could assist me with the last three of the currency detectors I'm looking to collect.
    Sure send me a friend request
    Stacey anne
    Sent you a request to two of your accounts. What would you like in return?
    Stacey anne
    So you know I'm good on currency detectors! Thank you so much for the help!
    Hey Eric.. how is your lamp inventory? would you like to trade them with your multiple games over the next few days till we get the update? or would you rather stick to ed barrels?
    Absolutely Ramy, we can do that. I will ship them to you from all my games starting today. The only game that I prefer fuel for is my main game, LAX Regional. I can fly enough to maintain LL's on that game. Thanks buddy!!
    never mind the comment. it was a rushed thought. I can stock up flying to Turkey. lets stick to Black Gold we always need at some point. Red Barrels it is then.
    Add my second game.
    That also havs 6 planetariums for your visit. 049upoa1.
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    Reactions: LAX
    I will - I didn't realize you had the 2nd game - thank you!!
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    Reactions: CKYoon
    Hi Eric, thanks for the gifts my hotel is complete
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    Reactions: LAX
    No problem. I didn't realize that my gift list's all changed with the latest update and I haven't corrected them yet. However, I was still able to send your needed items - just from different games!!
    Hi Eric ! It has been awhile. Hope all is well. I need 2X Edge Band Mach. Your Lax-2 has been my main source. Thanks. Bill
    Hi buddy, glad to see you are hanging around - it is an addicted game, bugs an all!! I sent you one last night and I will send another one tonight. If you ever need anything else I can send, just let me know.
    Also, I am going to send you a friend invite from my DAL-FTW game as I lost you somehow on that game. Please accept.
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    Reactions: billsnj
    Eric got the Dal-Ftw and TY for the Edge Band! Bill
    It's not necessary to return or send gifts to my support game Marve 2 . Save your gifts.
    Send gifts only to main game Marve-(item I need). Thanks
    Ok, thanks!!
    Hi LAX! Have you write your signature in priority order for your needs? Sent bed for all your games and friend request from my support game Marve 2.
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    Reactions: LAX
    Hey Eric... Thanks btw for the gifts you have been sending my way. You are awesome dude!!!Would you like beds for your support games or actual building items?
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    Reactions: LAX
    Hi Ramy, at this point items for the factory would be great!! Thanks!
    sounds good. lets resume furniture factory building items then
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