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Fuel Catalyst

  1. Android
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Do you know how to use the Fuel Catalyst?
Level: 40
Friendcode: aigulmg

  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
Moved the thread to the Chat area...

Yomisma - When you have a flight in the air - you can "use" the fuel catalyst to speed up the flight for a segment (not all the way like using fuel)
  1. Android
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Ricky [request]
on the flight progress window you know get two opportunities to speed up the flight using these, though the window of opportunity seems very small, can't see the point of going to all the effort of adding this new feature myself...

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
Do you know how to use the Fuel Catalyst?
Level: 40
Friendcode: aigulmg

Go to my flight screen, you will see 2 chevrons (>>) indicating areas where you can use fuel catalyst.

The fuel cataylst can only be used when the plane is right over the chevron. When the plane is over the chevron click on plane it will open a new window showing the time the flight will be advanced and asking if you want to use it.

This is a narrow window of less than a minute, so if intend to use it you need to keep an eye on the flight, the chevrons will tell you how long the flight takes to get there.
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