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350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Pegasus Sue
Oh no. Another bug........ 2 bugs in one day...... Poor Pegasus.
Ah well, my QL's are useless unless I join an Android launch it seems or they show. Let me know where you need support to or row and will assist you when you launch. Sleep well. PS did log a ticket......................
  1. Android
I can not sleep now. I have to wait 15 mins. Ara is not autosave. She just launch the first you join Pegasus. I lost all the launch rewards after. I ddon't want to left the game open and sleep. Why? I learned, most of the pop up time traveler, because you left the game open.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Pegasus Sue
I can not sleep now. I have to wait 15 mins. Ara is not autosave. She just launch the first you join Pegasus. I lost all the launch rewards after. I ddon't want to left the game open and sleep. Why? I learned, most of the pop up time traveler, because you left the game open.
Sorry to hear this, hope it was not my buggy game.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Pegasus Sue
Thanks a lot, it was great fun until I got the bug launch. Could somebody explain me how does it work? Luckilly I have QL bonus on and 2:24 is acceptable.
I have had it happen in the following ways; you launch after the other members have launched and landed; your game closes and restarts for any reason, today it was when I added fuel; you visit a Neighbour; or my final bug is that the QL does not show on mine or any other Avatar on the launch and you get 2.24. If I have a QL. Hope that helps.
Thank you very much for explanation, but not sure what applies in my case. The truth is I lost a connectivity, got no server connection message and that´s it. I doubt I started after all of the others landed, it was just for a few seconds. It is very annoying anyway, but let´s see whether I will wake up in the middle of the night to join few more launches with Robby. Need one more million in cash to already earned 2,5M earlier today. Robby is doing amazing job for the others as well.
  1. Android
Good morning all from Jakarta..... Well. About the bug problem, I am sure it is all just because the internet problem. I have experience like this. I joined launches, 5 ql. We did fast. RS suddenly freezed. So Ara and others continuous. And I said to them that Ara got a bug. We continued with 4 ql. And after restart, RS ready to launch. Launched and back. The other 4, did so many launches during the freezed and restarted. So, to me, pure because our connection. And now, I use 2 WiFi in the car and 1 other WiFi at home. Strong one. No bug. To me, pure connectivity.


600+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Yulee , Yulee 2
Yulee , Yulee 2
Yulee, I see, you can write Rusia. Wow. Maybe you are a spy. Anyway, my game is not autosave. So I lost her in Ara. Can you give Ara's code to Alexpin please.

Robby Kusuma, Thanks to google to let me write Russian LOL, Alexpin got Ara code already, will inform her to invite you again, if fail than you have to add him, you know Alexpin friend code?
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