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bottomless barrel + secret faucet glitch

Anybody can share how to maximize bottomless barrel + secret faucet glitch in order to have limitless fuel..
Can it work by using only one of them ( either bbarrel or sfaucet )
Currently I have 2 of them and plan to use it...
Thanks anyway for the sharing
  1. Android
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Deidei.item needed
The combination of those two bonuses will give you limitless number of fuel as long you visit neighbors back and forth,
never exit the game even if the time is up (if the game crashed, you have to start all over again to increase your max fuel number, but you won't loose the fuel stock that you have gained)

Unfortunately this glitch doesn't work anymore after the American week update
I'm using BlueStacks to run version 1.42 of the game (when this glitch was still active). I found something cool with bottomless barrel. If you only do a multiplier of like x4, the game doesn't crash when you level-up and, more importantly, you get x7 50 unit barrels.

Same works with Matryoshka Doll (you get around x7 the population reward for up-level). Even though the multiplier is mostly worthless on that bonus, I was able to stock up my population to about 2,000 because I was waiting on fuel (only did bottomless barrel).
It's the same premise as this thread: https://www.airportcitygame.com/topic/441-make-a-lot-of-coins-with-inconvertible-coin/

Basically, any bonus that multiplies something (e.g Business Class multiplies your flight income, Dice increases the chances of a flight item drop) could be increased simply by visiting your neighbors (or Madlen) multiple times. It was something like:
[Original Value/Probability] * ( [Original Bonus] + [number of times visited])

So you can see that by visiting your neighbors a crap load of times while the bonus is active, you could set the multiplier to some crazy value. In the case of Secret Facuet, you can regenerate a couple hundred barrels of fuel per minute (as opposed to 1). For Bottomless Barrel, you could set the maximum fuel in the 10,000.

Secret Facuet, essentially, gave you unlimited fuel so long as the bonus was active (and until your game rebooted next - so you could keep it going for a few days if you were careful). The combination of the two was helpful in stocking up fuel once the game returned to normal.
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