Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. Marc Blas

    HUD Screenshot of Space Base and Field Laboratory

    This is a quick inquire. Can someone send me a screenshot of the HUD or interface of Space Base and Field Laboratory.
  2. Marc Blas

    Changing Likert Scale into Percentage (Drop Rates)

    I'm not really a fan of the Likert scale that the game use. Therefore I suggest using the Percentage scale as an alternative or even an addition to the current scale. This put the user at ease whenever his/her desired item doesn't drop for a couple of time. TMI: I try to mathematically convert...
  3. Marc Blas

    Flight Duration on Helicopters

    Can we include the time it takes to land in the flight duration? Like, in the last 5-10 seconds the helicopters should be seen moving towards its pad. I suggest this because the counter/timer starts when the passenger aboard (the green loading) so the flight should end too with the time it lands...
  4. Marc Blas

    Event Currency/Points Inquiry for the Competition

    A quick question. Do the event competition count/include the event currency/points I get when I'm offline?
  5. Marc Blas

    Update to Neighbors List with Training Center and Planetarium

    I look into the threads that list down players that have Planetarium (posted 4 years ago) and Training Center (posted last year) and I'm not sure if they still play the game. So I'm here to update that thread "I'm looking for active players with 3 or more Training Center and Planetarium"...
  6. Marc Blas

    Sales/Discounted Price

    Quick Question. Is there someone geeky enough to list down or keep track of the buildings/planes that goes discounted or in sale? Another Question. Is powerful oil refinery is qualified to be in sales or have discounted price?
  7. Marc Blas

    Adding my home country to the game

    I like this game so much because back when I was young, I dreamt to be a pilot. It will be so much fun if the developers add my home country to this game. My country is named the Philippines and the photo below shows where it lies.
  8. Marc Blas

    Changing the 'Population Required' tag in Building Details into 'Population Yields'

    Changing this will be good and will avoid misinformation to new players. Thank you.
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