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What benefit of Decorations

  1. Android
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MG (What I Need)
Hi Guys,
I am just curious whether there are any benefits, other than making your city look pretty (which I am sure Melanie would think is a good thing) in putting the decorations (Tree, Small Lake, Angel Monument and Labyrinth Garden) into your city?
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WLG Old Lantern
Makes it easier to find a 1 square space to put in that urgent energy source.;)
I must admit I had more landscaping and I still have a Nude Beach near my University precinct.:D
  1. Android
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MG (What I Need)
only newbies care about coins hehe
Well I am far from a newbie, but I still "care" about coins. Having said that, I can now see a time very soon where I will not. Now if you could buy land with coins rather than green cash, then I would care even more.:D


150+ Star Club
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Not sure Blackcloud, I have 1.2mil sitting there and I'm not able to buy anything more as have the max land and buildings, only thing I can do is swap aircraft around for missions as needed and still can't convince myself that the single square in my city with no road access that currently has a pumpkin patch on it would look better with a tree.
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WLG Old Lantern
@must_dash Have you looked at changing your building density? Some building just are not worth the square that sit on while others can be exchanged for more efficient buildings, eg. Coal Power Stations are the best per square I think.
Regardless I too have over 1.5m coins and lots of potential land to expand on but if I did it all right now I feel it would take some of the fun for me out of the game.


150+ Star Club
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Yep, Blackcloud, being such a sad git I did a spreadsheet for the iPad game that calculates drop per hour and drop per square per hour... The mystery buildings don't do so well in comparison. At the moment one of the water parks is on the short list to be sold.

However I do like to have at least one of the lower ranking building available, and mystery and quest buildings add some individuality to your city and continue the quest by dropping things.
My Brazilian villas have got me 6 stadiums this week and the Halloween stuff another haunted house and two cemeteries.
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WLG Old Lantern
@must_dash Universities are the big earners for me, along with the ones that drop items for Dolce Vite collection.
I do move my building around, for me part of the enjoyment of the game is to create a "city feel" so you will not see me doing rows of the same buildings or no having connected roads.
I earn enough coins and pax so it really does not matter to me if I waste space and I could always buy the additional land if I need it.
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