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Upcoming event?

  1. Android
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Just noticed that since the last Android update, there are now 3 new collections in Event folder

They are Flying tank (prize attack plane) , for the motherland and Ballad of the soldier (prize building Veterans memorial museum)

Wonder if it will be 1 may (May day) or 8 may (VE day)

Is this on IOS as well?

Gt city

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  1. Android
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Yes, same collections on iOS. But i think they are there for a long time. My pyramides and stonehenge dropped items for this collections (only from beginnging, till GI prevented this :confused:).
Collections: Flying Tank, Ballad of a Soldier (yes, gives Veterans Memorial Museum: always) and For the Motherland.

Those who are playing russian version, know more about that mission. But could be possible, that will be a new quest for all. Finally!
  1. Android
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Thanks for reply, I am fairly sure it has not been on Android long. I went through the events about a month ago around St Patrick event and it was not there then. It will be interesting to see what happens. Hope it is a proper event with new destinations
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Thanks for reply, I am fairly sure it has not been on Android long. I went through the events about a month ago around St Patrick event and it was not there then. It will be interesting to see what happens. Hope it is a proper event with new destinations

Yeah, has been there since last year. It's a Russian themed holiday, Victory Day May 9th, and was an event that took place on Russian devices.

There is a thread talking about this and how to switch your devices language to Russian so you can participate.
  1. Android
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I see greensmith has both veterans museum and motherland buildings so you are right about it being a previous Russian event, but I am sure it wasn't on my Android event collections about a month th ago. I will just have to wait and see what happens closer to the date
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
I see greensmith has both veterans museum and motherland buildings so you are right about it being a previous Russian event, but I am sure it wasn't on my Android event collections about a month th ago. I will just have to wait and see what happens closer to the date

Yup, and i can't wait for it to come around again (if it does) so i can actually participate this time around thanks to some helpful advice from jackjackeli
  1. Android
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One Bad Day Thanks for the feedback. Good to know that you know how to participate in the event of it being a Russian only event again. I will be contacting you if that is again the situation.
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