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Trouble with accessing GI Servers?

  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
Is anyone else having issues accessing the GI servers?
I cannot access my lander from my returned spaceship.
I cannot visit neighbours.
No new gifts or visits from my neighbours.
I know that I will not have gifts sent out either so I will no send any for the moment.
  1. Android
Friend Code
PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
Tracked it down to my phone not recognising my wifi connection. It works in 3G, other wifi network but not my home network, which is working as I am using it for this post on my laptop.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Happy Helen
Is anyone else having issues accessing the GI servers?
I cannot access my lander from my returned spaceship.
I cannot visit neighbours.
No new gifts or visits from my neighbours.
I know that I will not have gifts sent out either so I will no send any for the moment.

Hope you get sorted :(

Sent you gyroscope few minutes ago

Good luck

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