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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

New Android version

  1. Android
I reckon it's to get all the casino newbies to spend all their greens before the Mars mission starts that will cost loads of greens. Wishful thinking?

I dont know what in Ivan's head. But to me, preparation is important. The game is meant to use all the resources.
Our choices are to zero or not.
I learnt from old friend, she collected everything 100.
One day she ask me for PRT, Powerfull Radio Transmitter.
I said, what the......
What do you need for?
She said, I need to manage everything 100.
Since that, I learnt, I manage everything to have a standard stock.
Not everything 100, I make better.
I have a standard coins, I have a standard notebanks, I have a standard golden tokens, I have a standard earplugs, etc etc
And all standard are minimum, more is possible.
I want to make sure when the new version launch, I am ready.

You prepare for Mars, you know every pad has 2 same collections and 100 for 3 stars.
Is it possible Mars will have 200 for 3 stars?
Yes possible.
So I save 200 collections, and Some Fuel.
So, as long as my collectuons above 200, I can launch.

Wise Man said : Don't worry about tommorow, Tommorow will take care of itself.
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