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More passengers?

  1. Android
Lakino the Great
I can not spend money to add land to my city, what is the best way for me to get the most passengers in the shortest amount of time?

If you can play frequently, then build 6 Cottages and 6 Side Wings. Cottages refresh in 2 minutes and Side Wings refresh in 5 minutes.
That's 6 x 1 and 6 x 2.
6 (every 2 minutes) + 12 (every 5 minutes)
12 (every 4 minutes) + 12 (every 5 minutes)
So basically you can get at least 24 passengers every 5 minutes if you play frequently. That's the fastest way to get passengers.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Also, with Lakino's suggestion, you can put those buildings in a 4x4 land space with only 4 road spaces. The passenger buildings produce passengers faster by refresh rate, and smaller size (factoring in road requirements) but the buildings that cost greenies will give the most passengers compared to buildings that cost coins.
  1. Android
Friend Code
PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
Hi pilotwifey after visiting your city I have made the assumption that you must be an iDevice player, then confirmed by your profile.
You need more land. That means lots of coins for the first 10 purchases then lots of greens for the next few but you do not have access to weekend codes. So you need to save your greens from going up a level, download the GI offers for greens or purchase some to get more land.
Aligned to the poster above it depends upon how often you play. If frequently then I suggest lots of Manors (9 every 15 min) House with Pools (12 every 20 minutes) and Mansions (18 every 60 minutes). These are all 2x2 buildings. I would get rid of your Studio Houses and Country House. For 1x1 do not forget the Brazillian Cottage (6 every 60 minutes).
For less frequest go with the Mansions, Country House, Brazillian Cottages and Brazillian Villas.
I have been gifting you Passengers as well.;)
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