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G'day all,

Reading through some of the recent threads, I have noticed that getting items for the upgrading of the FUEL STATION to LEVEL 3 is next to impossible.

Does anyone else have this issue?

Can anyone help??

Thought of starting a separate thread for those people who are looking for items to join and of course for those who can send the items...

Check out my sig of items that I can send in return if you are going to assist me in constructing this item for my airport.

The problem is the items are not giftable, so you have to get them from your own flights.
And they are very hard to get / drop.

On the other hand, Level 3 Fuel Station is not very useful as you only get 15 units for 8 hours.
That's only 5 units more than Level 2 (1 hour), you can easily makeup for it if you sleep only 7 hours :p.

I would advise against upgrading to Level 3 provided you can tolerate Engineer Sthtern's task not disappearing.
There is not side effect for not completing this task (Bali2 Level 45, 324 stars has not completed this task too).

Warning: While you upgrade, you will not get extra fuel until you complete the upgrade!!
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Thought of starting a separate thread for those people who are looking for items to join and of course for those who can send the items...
Hi, those are called daily traiding threads. The advantage of one thread a day is that high level people read them and help other players. If we start threads for every item/ building, there are to many threads to watch and people who do not need the items will not click on every thread because of the time (now we only need to read two threads)
The forum is already more then 2 years old and works....
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