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Daily Trading Thread for Friday 28th September 2012

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  1. Android
Friend Code
I still got a problem with my internet connection (but only with this game) - I can only vist my neighbours and sending gifts (since 3 days) when I am on WIFI.

I'm having a similar problem. For the last couple of days I can't visit neighbours but it will still let me send gifts... although I'm now wondering if anyone is actually receiving them?! It works fine on wifi when I get home but anywhere else it always says server connection error and adding new friend codes does nothing either. It's just Airport City, everything else seems to work fine. Very odd!
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sophie-Item needed
Gifts have gone out...For some reason my name isn't updating but if you can please send me Spare Wires to Sophie2 I would appreciate it. I'm trying to master the flight to Sydney :). Thanks!
Gifts sent! Sorry Bali HI, I can't send deicer, I need level 27... I'm just 26! :p So I've sent you meals... Good night to all!

That's ok, Monica. Thank you for the meal!

Tips for newbies to the forum:
If you can't send higher level items, Passengers, Meal or Fuel are always appreciated by all.
I do NOT recommend sending items YOU need (in the hope it will be returned).
Update what you need in your username instead (it works 80% of the time for me).
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