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Android Bonuses not working for helicopters? up

  1. Android
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Isha Kai Abbas
I only ever like to run helicopters with bonuses turned on but for the last few months, none have worked, is anybody else dealing with this?
It says there's a bonus activated and it's working for the planes, I currently have spy glass activated but the money earned from helicopters are the same as it would be without.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Spy glass doesn't affect the coins.

Use sky captain, business class or comfort class for coins with planes. I know that sky captain works with helicopters but I am not sure about the other two.
Spy glass doesn't affect the coins.

Use sky captain, business class or comfort class for coins with planes. I know that sky captain works with helicopters but I am not sure about the other two.
Business class and comfort class don’t work with helis. There is a special bonus doing the same, tourist visa

stackable with SC
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