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  • Ramy is that all from you and QL party I have lost track
    had nothing to do with mine, Gt's and Pakman's QL party over the weekend
    Eric is just making use of his QL befiore it expires at 2200 GMT
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I just jumped in at the end and missed most of the fun. Just ready for the next if anything is going
    Hi Ramy
    I start RED mission and now none of QL party start a new mission.
    Is your QL bonus still valid? Are you doing some launches?
    I would need to do last one in order to "release" me.
    Mass... my lander arrives in 1 hor 45 min. i heard Pakman's party is about to launch one more. i dont know the status as of now though
    Ramy - quick question - I'm in the QL tomorrow but not any of the first 3 spots! How long should I wait b4 joining the launch ????? Bill
    They mean do not throw in big ammo and complete the 3000 points before all QL users are onboard. what happens alot of times, the #4-19 ranks get hungry to compete for #4 and #5 position so they start throwing in points willy nilly. Also while this is happening the#1-3 ranks could be flexing their guns with big ammo. Combined you could get to 3000 very fast without realizing that you have abandoned someone important.
    as long as nsari, Juvenal, !Gun, & DarekK are all on board, then we are good to go.
    That statement means for those who have not been formally invited to join (those who are not on the session 1,2,&3 list for all rankings #1-15or 16) Apparently, if more than 19 participants join any launch, the launch will fail (GI rules). He is just trying to contol the potential for crowding
    Ramy could you send flight goggles to Captain Ne2. Busy on level 9 but i need these for level 6 control tower upgrade, thanks!!!!!!
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    how many?
    never mind... just saw the signature. Cheers.
    Ramy - finally got the last lvl 9 item - I will continue to "Gift"lvl9 items to my neighbors for several more days. Need to make sure before I complete the buildings. So, until then my "Gifts" will be scarce !!! Bill
    Ramy - TY for the Floor Washers - I have all I need - Bill - Do you have any item priority from me ????
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    Ramy I can send both items. I'll start with my next rest tomorrow AM. Bill
    I got all 8 hand dryers thanks to the last one you sent me a few minutes ago. Out of the items you are able to gift, i now need 2 observation drones. TY Bill
    Ramy great will send OD's next reset - Bill -- PS my sig is up to date - if u can't send me a LVL 9 item use the gift for another neighbor
    Ramy - I could use some Floor Washers - let me know what u need ?? Bill
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    Aye Aye Bill....
    Hand Dryers and Observation Drones will do. Thnx
    I'll start with Hand Dryers -
    Ramy just stared a red launch 4:10pm est. Bill
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    Sorry Bill. By the time i looged on to the forum and saw your memo, i had already gone blue.
    Ramy - just started a Red Launch - 10:20 EST
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    You missed me, i just hopped on board AZ's blue. I am trying to squezze as many blues between our Sunday reds to 3 star Prmetheus launch and get that damn QL. I am 25 launches away from getting my 3rd star
    Thanks - good luck with your quest for Blue !!!!
    Hi Ramy - Looking for some help I'm in need of Travel Guide 4x and Album 3x - Bill
    Ramy thanks looks like I have the albums but still trying to Lin up Guides. I sent u one n you try a Return? Bill
    I dont think it wnent through. I got the guide you sent me 2 days ago but i dont have it anymore in my incoming gifts. Could you send another one today and ill return. We'll see what you get.
    got the guide but can't hit return until gifts reset @ 3:00 pm EST. let me know what you get
    @Rsorour I can't send fuel20 after last update. All my fuel gifts are gone along with my ability to send passengers. Sorry.
    I still need yagi Uda antenna for my games I think you are my only neighbour who can help if you haven't completed yet
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    3000 points I haven't got that far yet, yes we will have to plan these launches very well
    How is Ne2 doing with the Yagi Antennas? I sent one on the 15th and one today. You are missing 2 more then not 1....right.
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Yes I need 2 signature must be wrong
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