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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Phil G
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  • Hi Phil G... I am Friend Code: 04vxwdh4 In-Game Name: WildJaguar Level 55 Stars 93 Hearts 7 Weekly 25000+. I am looking for a good alliance as my current alliance is not active.... Will you be interested in adding me? Appreciate it. Thanks.
    HI Phil
    I lost all my neighbours after update can you give me code of both games?
    I would like to join your alliance, i usually have around 30k passengers, leaving the current alliance cause members are inactive
    Please share your alliance name

    My Game name Starts with "AL." followed by the list of items required.

    Friend code: 23x64enx
    I will send fuel whenever I can. I don't always have spare gifting capacity !!
    I would like Explosive Detector if possible. My upgrade is a long way off but I like to collect items when I can.
    Hi guys if you are seeing this please i need Fuel 20, if you have anything you need please let me know
    Hello guys will be looking for new members for the InFlight Alliance this year when new slot comes free keep in touch .
    Username/Friend Code wo2yxmk In-Game Name !FM# Items Required Spare prop, Aerosols, Beacons Items You Can Send
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